Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yogurt Brands Live Cultures


Qualche mese fa, in uno dei suoi beloved delusions of omnipotence, the psycho-dwarf had a heart the unworthy precaution of making a shocking statement about the state of discomfort that Italy unfortunately interested in cancer. The hope was donated
unworthy in the Square of the traditional May Day concert, the date of March 20, 2010. Taken perhaps dictated by the hormonal impending spring awakening, the Premier of charge, a necessary goal to be achieved in three years that were missing at the end of the term, currently in a permanent vegetative state: "[...]
We also want to conquer cancer, which strikes every year 250 thousand Italians and that affects almost two million of our fellow citizens. [...]" Yet another
miracolo a parole del governo del fare si è consumato a fatti con un investimento in ricerca e sviluppo raffazzonato a percentuali minime rispetto ad un PIL divorato ogni anno dal debito pubblico cavalcante.

A distanza di quasi un anno, quanto è stato mantenuto di quella così roboante e stupenda promessa?

Si è parlato di legge bavaglio, di decreto sulle intercettazioni, di riforma della giustizia e di leggi, ovviamente, ad personam .

Si è rastrellato nel barile di un bilancio devastato per trovare qualche Euro utile a fare manovre strumentali a ritardare il default totale, si è visto un Governo del Fare (schifo) arroccarsi per difendere un nano ed il suo osceno machismo.
The decree approved yesterday Milleproroghe thanks to the wonderful love of country shown by the National Accountability Movement , have accumulated more shameful to be bandied about in the public square.
Among the "indignity" granted to a state without a penny to spend useful, were found financial backing and resources to meet the daily electoral blackmail exercised by the Northern League on a government clinically dead buried, it refers in detail to a figure close to 5 million transferred from the bottom to allow cancer patients to cover the farmers concerned to have six months more time to pay fines related to the slippage of quotas.
In other words, unfortunately, to fund the cancer has been preferred to the soundness and validity of the relationship with the Northern League-blackmail. Now against a good part of his electoral base, the Northern League where he can be forced to Sweep measures and significant amendments to ensure a shield to help alleviate the difficulties encountered in the adoption of federalism fecal .
delirium of a madman? Unlikely, reading the statements made by government officials and employees in the sector:

" The issue of milk quotas is shameful and far closed and the Minister Galan, if consistent, should resign or devote ad altri compiti ." (Nicodemo Oliverio, capogruppo democratico nella commissione Agricoltura alla Camera)

"[...] Anche le organizzazioni degli agricoltori vanno all´attacco: «Un ennesimo regalo ai furbetti »[...]"

(Giuseppe Politi, presidente della Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori)

Le opposizioni sono insorte, rendendo la battaglia inutile sia sul tardi che sul mai. La soddisfazione dell'elettorato leghista correlato allo slittamento dei pagamenti per sei mesi potrà permettere qualche voto utile in più all'insegna del " Fottiamo Roma Ladrona!! ".

Tra un altro semestre, in caso di altro slittamento, from which fund will take the money?
are expected responses and theft, maybe in the funds dedicated to people with ALS? The value of 5milioni
wretched Euro could even make enough idea of \u200b\u200bhow financially devastating the Italian state: in a budget that generates billions of euros every year, it is difficult to round up some milioncino to please some cunning.
Never mind that, just last year, the Government of Fare (crap) has endorsed a charge of 300 million Euro for the purchase of unnecessary and unused vaccines against suspected pandemic influenza A. Part of that money could not be recycled in some other way?

At present, the mouth of the psycho-dwarf, 250 thousand sick and 2 million of our fellow citizens have suffered a huge slap in the face.

the Italian sun this latest scandal, one wonders how will the nano magnate to account for this obscenity become already closed question for the Minister for Agriculture, Giancarlo Galan. Do not wake the sleeping
League (and even racist, nds). Tell a DUMB
home would be a possible solution, but rejected by the national responsibility that allows the perpetuation of these obscenities.
are expected denials.
If it were all true and confirmed by crifre budget, find the courage to make at least some sucks.

Read more: -milk-sick-from-bottom oncologiciq-&-format = pdf & ml = 2 & mlt = yoo_explorer & tmpl = component


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