Thursday, February 24, 2011

Did Kates Playground Have A Kid


Dobbiamo davvero ringraziare Poste Italiane perché, anche se funzionano particolarmente male, anche se consegnano la corrispondenza quando vogliono, anche se per spedire una lettera ordinaria da Pistoia a Pistoia o da Quarrata a Quarrata, la mandano al centro di smistamento di Firenze per farla poi tornare indietro: ma però – anche se non si dice – sono in grado di fare miracoli!
Premessa numero uno : sia chiaro che noi siamo per fare restare la posta a Santonuovo e ci schieriamo da parte della gente che ha bisogni reali e non ciacce come quelle dei nostri amministratori.
Premessa numero due : il miracolo è quello di far parlare il Romitino in prima persona – ma forse lo ha fatto solo because he is Santonuovo and nothing else.
Abstract number three: the greatest miracle was to make the voice of Arianna Benigni, in much less time than it took for the unfortunate participation of Sabrina-2, has managed to produce this statement posted Today on Tirreno :

ORDERS OF Santonuovo
The PD takes the field
"The direction we rethink '

QUARRATA. The Pd quarratino acts on post office closure Santonuovo for private use. "The Union City Democratic Party and the circle of Quarrata Pd Santonuovo expressed strong concern about the dreaded decision of the central management of the Italian Post Office to close at Santonuovo service to citizens and to use this site only for business "reads the press release signed by the town clerk Arianna Benigni (pictured).
"We consider laudable and we support the initiative of the provincial council and municipal council leader in Quarrata, Gabriele Romiti. We hope that its proposals for a willingness on the part of the Italian Post Office to a public meeting organized by the Council in the village, and maintaining a one-stop service to the citizen, or the testing until the end of year one door facing the private, have a positive response. Sure that does not prevail in the central management company but only the logic of profit that we consider the need to provide a service to the citizen in mind how important it also covers the outlying areas. Service - underline the Pd - essential for elderly residents and people with difficulty in moving. "

Devil administrators we have, people! Perhaps there was no need to talk, the stamp of the Communist Party secretary Vannelli!
With all the problems we are Quarrata - where returns only piece of the mosaic which is a whole controversy over everything, where the worst Mayor can not be heard even from Italian, who replied that they will be enshrined in law - the only subject on which the PD is to pronounce the mail this Santonuovo.

A field more and more neutral gray the little gray matter the municipal committee of the Democratic Party has in the pumpkin!

Click to enlarge.


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