La Convenzione di Washington sul Commercio Internazionale delle Specie di fauna e flora minacciate di estinzione, altresì siglata come CITES, ha stilato un bilancio relativo alla condizione del commercio internazionale (soprattutto illegale, nds) di piante ed animali in via di estinzione.
In Italy alone, the past has given to the Woodland 2010 a quantity of seizures of more than 90% higher than last year (in Italy and 1500accertamenti 39mila customs in the locality).
CITES direct control and trade of about 30 thousand species, of which approximately 25 thousand plants are.
the budget presentation, the Chairman Fulco Pratesi WWF recalled how for thousands of animal and plant trade is the first threat of extinction, the world market is worth about 240miliardi euros per year between timber, live animals, reptile skins and fur of mammals, caviar and ornamental and medicinal plants. Within Europe alone has a value stimato di 100 miliardi di dollari/anno.
Cosa rimane da fare nella sola Italia? Massimiliano Rocco, Responsabile di WWF Italia, ha direttive chiare:
" Per la tutela delle specie protette non si deve abbassare la guardia. Occorre destinare alla applicazione puntuale della CITES adeguate risorse e strumenti operativi efficienti e innovativi perché la Convenzione resta uno degli strumenti più importanti per la tutela della biodiversità e delle risorse naturali .[...] L’Italia deve arrivare quanto prima a promuovere un piano di azione nazionale, lavorare con i paesi terzi per promuovere i piani di gestione per le specie maggiormente interessate dal commercio illegale e dedicare più attenzione Management of seized illegal trade in live animals. The State must ensure, as we have undertaken to do, adequate rehabilitation centers offer a better life to those who have been cruelly deprived of his liberty . "
Italy is the first market in the world trade in reptile skins : This business is quantified in about 1.5 billion euros a year.
Saving biodiversity means to intervene in areas such as these, protecting habitats and ecosystems: to stop the deforestation process, stop the overbuilding of our territories and combat market illegal wildlife, of which Italy is the first in the world and encourage the use sustainable use of these resources.
" The results achieved in 2010 by men of the Forest Service's CITES are encouraging and bode well. Wanting to show how one can try to stop the illegal trade of species, as evidenced by the joint work among the people of CFS el ' Office TRAFFIC WWF .[...] The commitment that the WWF calls on the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture is developing a program for LIFE joint protection and preservation of the remaining population. " is the opinion of Fulco Pratesi.
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