Sunday, February 27, 2011

Camp Stove Gas Canister India


20. VIA Scopetani Left to

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We countered this article by Marta Quilici appeared today - February 27 - the Tirreno .

I'll suggest that you see, if you do not read the record, what happens in this wonderful community that spends 20 million € uro for Piussi, but has problems of rivers that do not take, on the banks of roads along which the disabled and Stella end up in danger of drowning; of Fossone like Galigani, which flooded the residents until the other day, parking in the various fractions (eg chain or casino, but also elsewhere, and by many), lack of of aqueducts and sewers and treatment plants and lines of methane.

But this is the country where many children are born, where he is well and where the Mayor thinks he can do whatever he wants in spite of everything and everyone. E where the Mayor is moving only a post office - but only if it is the country of his right arm to the Council, the leader of the PD Romiti.

the country's participatory democracy, where the administration knows how to listen to the people and give adequate answers to their needs.

read well ... and happy Sunday!


narrow and bumpy road to the border between two municipalities Forgot

"For years, waiting for an intervention A constant danger for cyclists and scooter '

QUARRATA. «Una strada abbandonata, periferica, della quale non interessa niente a nessuno. Sono anni che chiedo interventi al Comune, ma non è mai stato fatto niente». Il signor Giacomo abita da molti anni in via Scopetana, a Forottoli, e denuncia una serie di disagi: manto stradale in pessime condizioni con buche e avvallamenti profondi, strada stretta e mai allargata da decenni.

E che non riesce a tenere il ritmo di un traffico in continuo aumento tra auto di residenti e mezzi pesanti.

«Sono andato tante volte dall’assessore ai Lavori pubblici del Comune di Quarrata, e anche in Comune a Serravalle, ma non è mai servito a niente. They make pots in the center, but for places like peripheral Forrottoli nobody ever gets moving. We are on the border between Quarrata and Casalguidi, and, in fact, the worst stretch of road is just to about one hundred yards down to the bridge that demarcates the border. "

"Here - it continues - there are deep holes which are now no longer even the patches of tar. They are really dangerous for kids on a scooter, but also for the many cyclists who travel the road coming down from the hills at high speed, without knowing that the asphalt is so spoiled. Suddenly he was confronted and depressions, which considered bad, could be very very dangerous. "

there are also problems when it rains.

"The road becomes a river by the parties because there are no drainage ditches and, of course, the water helps to destroy the asphalt as well as to create a hardship on the fly."

He adds.

"I live on a Scopetani for 32 years, and this time the number of inhabitants has increased, more and more frequently we go workers with trucks and nurseries with plants, but nobody does anything to improve road conditions. "

The problems are also on the front of Casalguidi, where, a few years ago, the houses were built near the road.

"Now it is impossible to develop it further: it is still the size and features of the cart when we went. But now traffic is a bit 'changed since then. "

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