Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soulsilver Migrate Help


would be nice to remember some chronicles, unworthy of the dignity and cultural existence of this spaceship Earth.
The depressing spectacle of political leaders who scoff at all-public school in front of audiences of so-called reformists Christians (?) does not make the idea of \u200b\u200bthe context in which education and the condition youth is falling, without any pretext. Between twenty and thirty have a past but does not have a future, between ten and twenty, you have neither present nor future.
under ten years, not even waste time talking about it.
Only in Italy will be lucky children to be born with a debt per capita of 30 thousand Euro, like swords of Damocles hanging on innocent and unsuspecting heads.
will be proud to burn the first years of paying for the sins of the mistakes of others, by the very people who once called someone maximum ruling class.
Outside of the boot, the youth condition does not improve at all.
According to a report released by Unicef just opened in 2011, one fifth of the world's population are adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years. They are an army, a people awaiting their turn, hoping to be damaged as little as possible from those who govern and administer the public good in these times.
The condition of this huge collective tribe sees 1.2 billion people holding flowers and seeds of hope for themselves and the world around them. The report is symbolically entitled " Adolescence: Time opportunities."
Adolescence as an opportunity, in fact: " Adolescence is just the age of opportunity, one where you can consolidate the progress made in early childhood. "is the opinion of Anthony Lake, director general of UNICEF.
E 'must do everything possible to wake up those potential opportunities, turning them into certainties.
The worldview rent but lacks a long time and too ; miss those need to safeguard and protection for which the young should not be forced to chase chimeras.
would need to catch up from poverty, exploitation, abuse and violence on those who have no voice to defend itself and its future .
voice who can speak and arrive in the world must be felt, must take a stand to denounce this obscene profiteering and perennial which are the helpless subject.
According to the UNICEF report, have been undertaken and improvements are made for children under 10 years: less infant mortality, more safeguards to save young lives.
Much has still to be done, however, on the front of school and women's empowerment. The main
warning seems to be to save the girls from early marriage and episodes described as breeding ground for social eslcusioni. More than 70 million teens in middle school age do not attend any kind of education, whereas girls suffer higher rates of domestic and sexual violence, running the risk of HIV infection.
The vast majority of teenagers today (88%) live in Paesi in via di sviluppo.

150 milioni di giovanissimi sono costretti al lavoro minorile, tralasciando futuro scolastico e speranze di domani migliore.

Un adolescente su cinque sembra soffra di problemi di salute mentale o comportamentali.

Nel solo 2009 i giovanni hanno infine toccato il picco di disoccupazione, arrivando a sfiorare l'indice di 81milioni.

Qualcosa è stato fatto, troppo è ancora da fare.

Un domani toccherà a loro, è risaputo.

A noi la missione di dargli abbastanza forza per governare l'astronave.

Ne saremo capaci, ne sono sicuro.


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