QUARRATA_ Massimo Bianchi, 30, City Council and the Future of Freedom for Italy, the first administrator of the province of Pistoia, together with Nicola Barbarito to stand alongside Gianfranco Fini soon as the first cracks of the same with the PDL, which then led to the birth of Fli. Future and Freedom in turmoil by the Congress of Milan, some deputies and senators have left the project. The party founded by Fini has also now crumbling new defections in the Senate and also with the risk of sinking in the House of Deputati.A Quarrata meanwhile is getting closer to 2012, when local elections will be held. On these issues Massimo Bianchi - who appreciate the availability - has kindly answered a series of questions specifically for our blog.La Our intention is to offer this open space al confronto e al pubblico dibattito - anche agli altri amministratori locali in vista appunto della prossima tornata elettorale che interesserà come noto anche il Comune di Quarrata chiamato nel 2012 a rinnovare il sindaco e il consiglio comunale.
Ha riguardato pure voi a Quarrata il terremoto in Fli? Rimarrai con Fini ?
Terremoto? Non ho avvisato nessuna scossa; noi parliamo di politica. Certo che rimango con Fini; avrò mille difetti ma in quanto a coerenza ho la coscienza pulita.
Cosa mi puoi dire di Futuro e Libertà a Quarrata quindi?
Posso dirti che siamo un gruppo di dieci persone, delle quali i 3 consiglieri comunali, i cui ruoli will be defined by Congress, we are the largest opposition party in the municipal council, the most representative of Fli in Tuscany. We work quietly trying to keep out as much as possible domestic disputes because local elections count the people and the establishment of the same territory, this will base our discussions with a view of next year.
You call yourself a "hawk" or a "dove" in Fli?
I confide that this division I do not like myself a free man, put it this way. Then if you want to know something from my point of view Fli I tell you I have always been a breeze so I admire so much personality which Tatarella, Urso, Viespoli and I very much appreciate the frankness of other senior figures, one out of every Enzo Raisi.
No reference to the hawk as well as vice president of Fli Mouthpiece?
Italo Bocchino is so aggressive because they only called upon to perform the role of Fli defense equipment by the continuing attacks someone, is politically excellence and I am sure that Fini will reconstruct some divisions emerged at the conference. It 's normal that at a delicate stage as this big change and there can be confusion. Then, sorry, not a conference where we discuss everything and hides behind a facade of unanimity that Congress would be? Politics in Italy va male anche perchè si è perso, o proibito, il senso della discussione interna alle sedi della stessa.
E con il Pdl i rapporti come sono?
Ti rispondo ovviamente a livello personale: non ho niente contro nessuno del Pdl locale; questo ovviamente non significa che politicamente debba per forza andarci d'accordo, altrimenti nel Pdl ci sarei rimasto. I rapporti personali rimangono gli stessi di prima; sarebbe triste e deprimente considerare nemico un individuo che la pensa diversamente da me. Per precisare: quello di etichettare come "nemico" l'avversario politico è un altro male della politica italiana. I vertici provinciali del Pdl su di voi sono comunque duri, vi considerano traditori, inconsistent and reject the sender all your accusation about the triumph of meritocracy and not of no change Watch until the PDL will be represented by the provincial coordinator, Alberto La pen, I will not accept any kind of preaching from the pulpit: The pen is the one who caused the defeat of the center of Montecatini Terme, the head of the defeat of a personality and exquisite high as Ettore Severi (candidate for president of the province in 2009) due to a slate of candidates imposed by The Pen and built on anything but on meritocratic principles. To summarize: defeat in provincial elections of 2004 (The Pen was the candidate for president) defeat in provincial elections of 2009, beating the municipal Montecatini Terme 2009 (The Pen was the candidate for mayor): after all, this gentleman has been standing at his post and provincial coordinator in defending from the top (if that can be defined ) of his party, thereby negating every principle of meritocracy. And in the PDL are many who think so, but do not have the courage to speak out for fear of not more live inside it. Not least is Roberto Benedetti that has failed all expectations to which it was also voted to Quarrata. And then to think that politicians like these pretend to interfere with their fiduciary appointments in renewals of office of auditors and local participation, as happened during the renewal of the college of auditors Quarrata, imposing (but win out in our case ..) in the candidate wanted Quarrata La Penna, Pacini, had the worst with one chosen by local councilors who preferred, and elected, Pescara) persons who have nothing to do with the land in question but rather only choices to balance the division of power or to pay (politically speaking) "promissory policies." Sorry all of this because there would be provincial in PDL valid personality: like Alessandro Capecchi, Francesca Combs, William Bonacci, Carluccio Ceccarelli, Marcello Paci, Patrick La Pietra the PDL but, unfortunately, will never rise beyond the provincial landscape.
short Quarrata to how it will end in 2012?
First let me repeat, for the avoidance of doubt, that Fli is a right-wing party, but a right to modern Europe and that he sees himself in the moderate who does not like to do politics, nor crying, nor with the rearview mirror; we are left with the alternatives to which there never form an alliance. Obviously, for the good of the community is right to meet and talk with all political forces and to find, where possible solutions; ally, however, is something very different. Then if we are honest in Italy we have reached a point that being "left" and "being right" is, in both cases, contradictory attitudes continue to be denied, should first of all a healthy dose of common sense
we wait ...... Quarrata ... ...
at the local level, however, a strong agriculture policies mature beyond its natural place, it has to base its work first thing in the public interest and not, as they say, act for "bias"; expectations of these citizens are well represented by civic groupings with which it is right to confront and perhaps converge, regardless of the ethical issues. Lists and local civic committees are composed of politically-minded people in many different ways and the true strength of these non-partisan movement is to bring forward local issues, practical things that do not look to their political views. To give you an example in recent years I have been able to appreciate the work and learn a lot by the representatives of ListaCittàPerTe, especially from Gabriele Pratesi, but also by the Committee Olmi - Vignole in the person of Daniel Manetti, with We both continued battles on priority issues for the citizen (primary risk idrogeoligico, participation) that are neither right nor left, but that are simply right. Was and is fundamental commitment, preparation, collaboration and dedicated support on the issues mentioned above by Cialdi Alessandro (UDC) which recognize a preparation and clarity in policy to treasure for the city of Quarrata.Credo that Fli should now propose to quarratini as a "party-laboratory of ideas" and ask themselves to be the protagonists of the mandate of drawing up the plans that we will be called upon to perform. Some of the basic programming course will be: completion of the aqueduct network, the pipeline, the risk idrogelogico, environmental issues, the issue of waste, support and development of the productive sector, support to weaker sections of society, participatory budgeting. Who will review this as a guarantee of being alien to the logic of why the party leaders seek to interfere in the local open ports will have to confront this and why not share our idea of \u200b\u200bdoing politics. The people, the local roots, the ability of individuals and citizens' needs come before the partition of candidates or chairs imposed by this self-referential system in which only count a few at the expense of many.
So, ultimately, negative opinion on the mayor and the majority?
undoubtedly have failed even on that it was impossible to fail. They lost in the mid term, a most worthy councilor to the budget, hanno impegnato il bilancio comunale per tre anni sul Piuss ( piste ciclabili sugli argini fatiscenti !!!), del programma elettorale non hanno realizzato quasi niente a rifarsi da tematiche come i rifiuti e la dotazione dei servizi, fino ad assistere che sulla partecipazione se la cantano e se la suonano.Vengono richiesti milioni di euro alle fondazioni per opere culturali moderne anzichè finire di ripristinare un patrimonio storico-artistico come Villa La Magia; il problema del rischio idrogeologico è pressochè irrisolto, per non parlare della viabilità. Quindi, massimo rispetto personale, ma il sindaco finirà la legislatura nel peggiore dei modi; la maggioranza? fatta eccezione per il presidente del consiglio comunale Massimo Sauleo, che had the intellectual honesty and political dissent, if any knock once saw the awkward silence in the face of so much administrative disaster that is, in fact, decreed whenever the City Council, majority raise their hands to vote.
to close short: fli will advance his own candidacy for mayor?
This is not the place nor the way to talk about certain issues and I am only able to tell you that for sure Fli will not support a mayoral candidate ever imposed by a secretariat of the party to suit so the logic of the flags in the map of applications. The mayoral candidate must be an authority figure and capacity aggregation. We have already been wrong once and did not want to happen again. Quarrata first.
(interview by Andrea Balli )
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