Sunday, February 20, 2011

Angel Lola Luv Strip Tease

Call ITALY, Dandolo LOVE: Thanks Robert

Se la musica può rappresentare il tessuto sociale e l'anima di una collettività, Roberta Flack with the victory of San Remo can be seen in some hope for the more feeble the national scene.
In a context that has the best expressions of the singers from the past victories talent show, the triumph of one of the greatest songwriters really been issued a certificate on the objective state of affairs in our local land.
It is a revised text at the top engaged, reinforced by a joint award of the critical part that music is not used to make concessions to anyone.
" Call still love" is a text that can evoke many issues, thin to perfection by a musically similar but not identical to other works of the great singer-songwriter Milan.
's a song that brings back those poets and sailors infinite able to move the rivers with the thought and talk to the sky , citing the song he knows to be perfect gap between youth and need to dream a future better.
returns from the text but not omnipotent omnipresent love, eager to balance the fate of Italy that seems doomed to a perpetual sunset.
We read poets, students with books in hand brandished as weapons sharp, and are recalled bastards lords of pain well known to all who were able to throw the air all our past and our future. Lost the common memory, It does not bear obvious means by which correct binaries of our present.
"Call still love" is a song that wants to defend humanity generally understood, using any instrument, whether it be silence or thunder, it does not matter.
Whatever is good to break through this veil of maya that prevents us from looking straight ahead to the future.
" Call still love" is a song that makes you love the crazy ideas and thoughts: elusive, ineffable and unattainable as butterflies. At the same time is a song that aims to give a hello to Italy again, after too many endless nights and hate evil.
E 'for a song giovani, capace di ridare spinta ad un paese fermo al palo e senza più sguardo sul futuro.

" Chiamami ancora amore " è una canzone progettata per riempire con musica e parole questo osceno silenzio assordante che ci pervade.

Continuamente. " Chiamami ancora amore " è una infinitesima porzione di quella musica vera, di cui tanto ha bisogno questo paese.

Musica vera che il vincitore di questo Sanremo ha definito con queste parole:

"[...] la musica ha una particolarità che i greci hanno scoperto, e che forse non sappiamo tutti, che non è un'arte a sè: è l'arte delle arti. La musica entra in tutte le arti perchè è un secondo language. Because our soul needs two ways of being and the music is as a counterpoint to what is happening.
It 's a counterpoint to the words when he goes on poetry, [...] always existed in the polis. Do not you live without music. [...] The school absolutely has to find a space to tell the kids how to read, not as it ascolticchia. How to read the song that we call copyright, but also the song in general ... [...] The song writing is a trampoline, can serve to educate young people to discover the difficulties of meaning beautiful and wonderful poetry. [...] Qullo that is up to us to be people, something that personat, that increases the sound you have in sending him off, something like a Greek mask amplified mo 'funnel. What you have inside, which is small, it must be great because the beauty and happiness are even understand each other. And when at last we understand, through the beautiful, it was definitely happier .[...]"
(round table with Roberta Flack, from the book " The sound and the ink-poetry and song in ' Italian contemporary )
"Call still love" is a song daughter of a mind and a wonderful person.
If not enough compliments received, a Another small thanks Roberto.
Signed, your a big fan.


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