Friday, February 25, 2011

Where To Put A Wired Outside Themometer


"[...] The news comes in every range: \u0026lt;12 deaths in the sea of \u200b\u200bindifference>. Then: \u0026lt;Affonda barca, the massacre immigrati>. \u0026lt;Before bilancio: 14 92 morti, sopravvissuti>, \u0026lt;are sought altri corpi>.

E domenica 22 settembre: <Altri nordafricani gettati in mare presso Scoglitti (Ragusa): altri 14 annegati>. Erano clandestini: si erano affidati a scafisti, dissanguandosi per pagare il prezzo della traversata, la caccia a un lavoro o a un pò di fortuna: partono dalla Tunisia o dal Nord Africa, lasciano una vita drammatica e scompaiono nella tragedia.

E' brutto chiamare gli stranieri vucumprà o è anche un pò affettuoso? Sono troppi, non sappiamo come sistemarli, ma non si potrebbe anche tentare di conciliare una regola giusta con un comportamento umano? Proprio noi che mandavamo in giro i nostri compatrioti with the red passport, provided that no taxes if they go away, piled up miroscafi who brought them in very \u0026lt;terre luntane>.
How many wrongs they had endured the small Sicilian and Neapolitan, landed with a suitcase of fiber and oil bottle at Ellis Island, the outpost of New York and America.
Li called for \u0026lt;Test brillantina>, for those shiny hair and wore them as a line divided by Rudolph Valentino in Son of the Sheik: dago, which has an uncertain origin, or macaroni, which needs no explanation.
A boy in a hundred went to school, the other grew on the sidewalks Hell's Kitchen, beating them with the Poles and the Irish were going to rob the railroad or in carts of fruit.
They had heard that in America, and elsewhere for the truth, you are nothing without money, do not count. Someone took it a lot and fast. Many could neither read nor write.
Many of them say-old-even now carusi for children, Job for work.
But we are not all equal in the U.S. and we also sent Enrico Fermi and Al Capone, and patience, there were also a couple Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde were not of Castellammare del Golfo.
I thought of these stories follow the news Parliament and also those of the mob: and as usual gave alms to the usual dark-skinned young man who gives you the lighter.
Even among them there will be types of all kinds, drug dealers, violent scoundrels and possible, but moving the lavamacchine who have an engineering degree and know three languages, maids and domestic helpers who have a diploma or even a degree in chemistry .
course, is a mass of desperate people trying to survive, I know, almost always, where they come from, what tragedies are in the back. Throw them out is a pity, but so is leaving to chance when there is a half that Italy is a great Harlem, or the suburbs of Washington, o le bidonville delle città americane con tante antenne Tv, e centinaia di migliaia di vucumprà bianchi che sono dei fratelli.

Si dice <fame> e si pensa a una sensazione quasi astratta, o a un romanzo del Nobel norvegese Knut Hamsun, ma è una condizione non solo letteraria,è reale.

Un giorno di Pasqua, a Ferrara, su una strada del centro, c'è un uomo rattristato, vestito di stracci, che ha appeso al collo un piccolo pezzo di cartone con una scritta tracciata col pennarello: <Ho fame, aiutatemi>.

Nessuno si accorge che sta morendo. Potrebbe rivolgersi a qualche ufficio di assistenza o ad un ospedale, ma refuses any contact with this \u0026lt;Company>. They autopsy: less than fifty years, perhaps killed dall'inedia.
The Good Samaritan does not drop more than a horse. We are almost six billion on this globe, almost a billion do not have to eat less and grows grass on the ground and there are fewer fish in the sea.
Only indifference is rampant.
But, as the wise peasant Bertoldo, \u0026lt;l'acqua l'uomo placid and silent that I piace>.
I met two priests who speak and act on these unhappy father Alex Zanotelli beacon of voluntary associations and cooperation with the Third World and the bishop of the diocese of Rumback in Sudan, Monsignor Caesar Mazzolari.
are missionaries who honor God consoling the men with a piece of bread .[...]"

(Enzo Biagi, from "a normal country Tips )


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