Thursday, February 17, 2011

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one use the word responsibility ': WHEN ALL MEN HAVE A PRICE

Before drawing any assumptions about the tragi-comic situation that is pushing Italy into an endless inclined plane, it is interesting to review the conclusions drawn in the book by Alexander Stille, "The Cavalier Citizen Berlusconi miracle. "
through a phase of objective and verifiable stories and testimonies, the author tries to derive objective definitions concerning the future of the state assigned to 'man of action Silvio Berlusconi: Italy's problems
"[...] course can not be reduced Berlusconi. Many in the center and the center-warn against the dangers of demonization of the premier. But Berlusconi's third term, an uninterrupted sequence of scandals and controversies, has made it clear that Italy, under Berlusconi, is simply ungovernable.
Firstly because of the huge conflicts of interest that Berlusconi embodies: the monopoly of private television that manages its main competitor, an accused criminal who runs the court system, a major player in finance, insurance Real estate and regulating these sectors, the accused in many processes in which, as President of the Council, anche parte lesa e parte civile.

Sulla strada di qualsiasi governo, sono macigni che non si possono aggirare. Ogni legge che Berlusconi propone o prova a bloccare- [...] - emana immediatamente un odore sospetto, perchè si è costretti a chiedersi subito chi ne benefici e quale potrebbe essere l'impatto su Berlusconi. 

Questo sarebbe vero anche se Berlusconi fosse l'altruista illuminato che sembra convinto di essere. E' un problema strutturale, non personale.

La democrazia moderna è semplicemente antitetica rispetto al governo monarchico del leader assoluto."

Essendo autorizzato dal voto popolare a governare, è altrettanto required to understand when this situation became unsustainable and unbearable.
In the land formed by the Parliament of the nominees, who shall be appointed by five secretaries of Party feels entitled to follow their own personal interest. So proceeding, unfortunately, are formed as freight cars, ships managers willing to protect the good of Italy .
E 'objective may well ask what ever you want to protect, defend that might take the political system that gave him a debt of 30 thousand Euro per capita among the younger generation?
will want to defend that perhaps the political system that gives Italy the tax shield that you can import quotas capital by paying 5% as a wretched fine?
show might take responsibility for not leaving a whole country at the mercy Diella international speculation that already boasts sell slices of our debt to the countries concerned to submit our local interests in land and compromises?
We will have one day to thank all those rockets, Scilipoti and pioneer?
We may one day make them members, following Svevo memory to the issue dell'inetto perfect actually able to give a real place in the fate of the world? They will defend their
( what?, Nds ) courage of this government do?
They want to defend an entire country or protect Berlusconi from its natural end? They will one day equal responsibility in saying that you were wrong to defend a senior who wanted to save himself by burning a Rome 60milioni composed of people?
Accountability is a word that, nowadays, these individuals would not be appropriate at all, citing Wikipedia imperfect but always available, there is a conceptual definition of special responsibility :
"The responsibility can be defined as the ability to predict the consequences of their behavior and correct it on the basis of this forecast .[...] Responsibility presuppone una situazione di libertà, in cui la persona può scegliere quale comportamento tenere; ove tale scelta non gli fosse possibile, infatti, anche laddove fosse in grado di prevedere le conseguenze delle sue azioni, non potrebbe comunque adottare un diverso comportamento alla luce della sua previsione. D'altra parte, affinché si possa parlare di responsabilità, è necessario che la persona si trovi in una situazione di libertà limitata, in cui i comportamenti che può tenere non sono del tutto indifferenti giacché, altrimenti, non vi sarebbe ragione di scegliere l'uno piuttosto che l'altro sulla base delle conseguenze previste .[...]"

Questi responsabili vanno pensando the consequences of their (future) votes?
saying (yesterday) to hate politically Berlusconi and Italy, which he formed, how can (tomorrow) to support the action and implicitly any safe-conduct to prevent the trial judges of the Communists and red robes? And
'This is a definition of accountability applied to an Italian context already tragically compromised?
All men have a price, of course ... but given the alleged liability.
Hopefully, nobody will ever understand them the price you pay for a definite choice, in retrospect, wrong.
Meanwhile, the transfer market goes crazy.


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