Monday, February 28, 2011

Ladies One Piece Swimsuits


In un’agenzia che ha da poco compiuto i trent’anni, la maggioranza è composta da trentenni…e l’opposizione, purtroppo in minoranza, non riesce a opporsi più di tanto (già visto questo film). Ecco l’ennesimo compleanno e le ennesime strepitose pizzette. Auguri Elisa! Sei davvero una magnifica trentenne, anno più, anno meno. (foto di Giada!)


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"Do you know
They're talkin 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Do you know
They're talkin 'about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper

While they're standing in the welfare lines

Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation

Wasting time in the unemployment lines

Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Poor people gonna rise up

And get their share

Poor people gonna rise up

And take what's theirs

Don't you know

You better run, run, run...

Oh I said you better Run, run, run...

Finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin' bout a revolution ."


" Non lo sai

Stanno parlando di una Rivoluzione

Sembra un sussurro

Non lo sai

Stanno parlando di una Rivoluzione

Sembra un sussurro

While queuing for aid
weeping at the door of the armies of salvation Wasting time
employment offices
Waiting for a promotion

The poor people will rebel
It will take its share
The poor people will rebel
It will take what belongs to

Do not you know You better run, run, run
I said you should
Run, run, run
Finally, the situation will become the
Speaking of the Revolution. "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soulsilver Migrate Help


would be nice to remember some chronicles, unworthy of the dignity and cultural existence of this spaceship Earth.
The depressing spectacle of political leaders who scoff at all-public school in front of audiences of so-called reformists Christians (?) does not make the idea of \u200b\u200bthe context in which education and the condition youth is falling, without any pretext. Between twenty and thirty have a past but does not have a future, between ten and twenty, you have neither present nor future.
under ten years, not even waste time talking about it.
Only in Italy will be lucky children to be born with a debt per capita of 30 thousand Euro, like swords of Damocles hanging on innocent and unsuspecting heads.
will be proud to burn the first years of paying for the sins of the mistakes of others, by the very people who once called someone maximum ruling class.
Outside of the boot, the youth condition does not improve at all.
According to a report released by Unicef just opened in 2011, one fifth of the world's population are adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years. They are an army, a people awaiting their turn, hoping to be damaged as little as possible from those who govern and administer the public good in these times.
The condition of this huge collective tribe sees 1.2 billion people holding flowers and seeds of hope for themselves and the world around them. The report is symbolically entitled " Adolescence: Time opportunities."
Adolescence as an opportunity, in fact: " Adolescence is just the age of opportunity, one where you can consolidate the progress made in early childhood. "is the opinion of Anthony Lake, director general of UNICEF.
E 'must do everything possible to wake up those potential opportunities, turning them into certainties.
The worldview rent but lacks a long time and too ; miss those need to safeguard and protection for which the young should not be forced to chase chimeras.
would need to catch up from poverty, exploitation, abuse and violence on those who have no voice to defend itself and its future .
voice who can speak and arrive in the world must be felt, must take a stand to denounce this obscene profiteering and perennial which are the helpless subject.
According to the UNICEF report, have been undertaken and improvements are made for children under 10 years: less infant mortality, more safeguards to save young lives.
Much has still to be done, however, on the front of school and women's empowerment. The main
warning seems to be to save the girls from early marriage and episodes described as breeding ground for social eslcusioni. More than 70 million teens in middle school age do not attend any kind of education, whereas girls suffer higher rates of domestic and sexual violence, running the risk of HIV infection.
The vast majority of teenagers today (88%) live in Paesi in via di sviluppo.

150 milioni di giovanissimi sono costretti al lavoro minorile, tralasciando futuro scolastico e speranze di domani migliore.

Un adolescente su cinque sembra soffra di problemi di salute mentale o comportamentali.

Nel solo 2009 i giovanni hanno infine toccato il picco di disoccupazione, arrivando a sfiorare l'indice di 81milioni.

Qualcosa è stato fatto, troppo è ancora da fare.

Un domani toccherà a loro, è risaputo.

A noi la missione di dargli abbastanza forza per governare l'astronave.

Ne saremo capaci, ne sono sicuro.

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20. VIA Scopetani Left to

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We countered this article by Marta Quilici appeared today - February 27 - the Tirreno .

I'll suggest that you see, if you do not read the record, what happens in this wonderful community that spends 20 million € uro for Piussi, but has problems of rivers that do not take, on the banks of roads along which the disabled and Stella end up in danger of drowning; of Fossone like Galigani, which flooded the residents until the other day, parking in the various fractions (eg chain or casino, but also elsewhere, and by many), lack of of aqueducts and sewers and treatment plants and lines of methane.

But this is the country where many children are born, where he is well and where the Mayor thinks he can do whatever he wants in spite of everything and everyone. E where the Mayor is moving only a post office - but only if it is the country of his right arm to the Council, the leader of the PD Romiti.

the country's participatory democracy, where the administration knows how to listen to the people and give adequate answers to their needs.

read well ... and happy Sunday!


narrow and bumpy road to the border between two municipalities Forgot

"For years, waiting for an intervention A constant danger for cyclists and scooter '

QUARRATA. «Una strada abbandonata, periferica, della quale non interessa niente a nessuno. Sono anni che chiedo interventi al Comune, ma non è mai stato fatto niente». Il signor Giacomo abita da molti anni in via Scopetana, a Forottoli, e denuncia una serie di disagi: manto stradale in pessime condizioni con buche e avvallamenti profondi, strada stretta e mai allargata da decenni.

E che non riesce a tenere il ritmo di un traffico in continuo aumento tra auto di residenti e mezzi pesanti.

«Sono andato tante volte dall’assessore ai Lavori pubblici del Comune di Quarrata, e anche in Comune a Serravalle, ma non è mai servito a niente. They make pots in the center, but for places like peripheral Forrottoli nobody ever gets moving. We are on the border between Quarrata and Casalguidi, and, in fact, the worst stretch of road is just to about one hundred yards down to the bridge that demarcates the border. "

"Here - it continues - there are deep holes which are now no longer even the patches of tar. They are really dangerous for kids on a scooter, but also for the many cyclists who travel the road coming down from the hills at high speed, without knowing that the asphalt is so spoiled. Suddenly he was confronted and depressions, which considered bad, could be very very dangerous. "

there are also problems when it rains.

"The road becomes a river by the parties because there are no drainage ditches and, of course, the water helps to destroy the asphalt as well as to create a hardship on the fly."

He adds.

"I live on a Scopetani for 32 years, and this time the number of inhabitants has increased, more and more frequently we go workers with trucks and nurseries with plants, but nobody does anything to improve road conditions. "

The problems are also on the front of Casalguidi, where, a few years ago, the houses were built near the road.

"Now it is impossible to develop it further: it is still the size and features of the cart when we went. But now traffic is a bit 'changed since then. "

Click to enlarge.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yogurt Brands Live Cultures


Qualche mese fa, in uno dei suoi beloved delusions of omnipotence, the psycho-dwarf had a heart the unworthy precaution of making a shocking statement about the state of discomfort that Italy unfortunately interested in cancer. The hope was donated
unworthy in the Square of the traditional May Day concert, the date of March 20, 2010. Taken perhaps dictated by the hormonal impending spring awakening, the Premier of charge, a necessary goal to be achieved in three years that were missing at the end of the term, currently in a permanent vegetative state: "[...]
We also want to conquer cancer, which strikes every year 250 thousand Italians and that affects almost two million of our fellow citizens. [...]" Yet another
miracolo a parole del governo del fare si è consumato a fatti con un investimento in ricerca e sviluppo raffazzonato a percentuali minime rispetto ad un PIL divorato ogni anno dal debito pubblico cavalcante.

A distanza di quasi un anno, quanto è stato mantenuto di quella così roboante e stupenda promessa?

Si è parlato di legge bavaglio, di decreto sulle intercettazioni, di riforma della giustizia e di leggi, ovviamente, ad personam .

Si è rastrellato nel barile di un bilancio devastato per trovare qualche Euro utile a fare manovre strumentali a ritardare il default totale, si è visto un Governo del Fare (schifo) arroccarsi per difendere un nano ed il suo osceno machismo.
The decree approved yesterday Milleproroghe thanks to the wonderful love of country shown by the National Accountability Movement , have accumulated more shameful to be bandied about in the public square.
Among the "indignity" granted to a state without a penny to spend useful, were found financial backing and resources to meet the daily electoral blackmail exercised by the Northern League on a government clinically dead buried, it refers in detail to a figure close to 5 million transferred from the bottom to allow cancer patients to cover the farmers concerned to have six months more time to pay fines related to the slippage of quotas.
In other words, unfortunately, to fund the cancer has been preferred to the soundness and validity of the relationship with the Northern League-blackmail. Now against a good part of his electoral base, the Northern League where he can be forced to Sweep measures and significant amendments to ensure a shield to help alleviate the difficulties encountered in the adoption of federalism fecal .
delirium of a madman? Unlikely, reading the statements made by government officials and employees in the sector:

" The issue of milk quotas is shameful and far closed and the Minister Galan, if consistent, should resign or devote ad altri compiti ." (Nicodemo Oliverio, capogruppo democratico nella commissione Agricoltura alla Camera)

"[...] Anche le organizzazioni degli agricoltori vanno all´attacco: «Un ennesimo regalo ai furbetti »[...]"

(Giuseppe Politi, presidente della Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori)

Le opposizioni sono insorte, rendendo la battaglia inutile sia sul tardi che sul mai. La soddisfazione dell'elettorato leghista correlato allo slittamento dei pagamenti per sei mesi potrà permettere qualche voto utile in più all'insegna del " Fottiamo Roma Ladrona!! ".

Tra un altro semestre, in caso di altro slittamento, from which fund will take the money?
are expected responses and theft, maybe in the funds dedicated to people with ALS? The value of 5milioni
wretched Euro could even make enough idea of \u200b\u200bhow financially devastating the Italian state: in a budget that generates billions of euros every year, it is difficult to round up some milioncino to please some cunning.
Never mind that, just last year, the Government of Fare (crap) has endorsed a charge of 300 million Euro for the purchase of unnecessary and unused vaccines against suspected pandemic influenza A. Part of that money could not be recycled in some other way?

At present, the mouth of the psycho-dwarf, 250 thousand sick and 2 million of our fellow citizens have suffered a huge slap in the face.

the Italian sun this latest scandal, one wonders how will the nano magnate to account for this obscenity become already closed question for the Minister for Agriculture, Giancarlo Galan. Do not wake the sleeping
League (and even racist, nds). Tell a DUMB
home would be a possible solution, but rejected by the national responsibility that allows the perpetuation of these obscenities.
are expected denials.
If it were all true and confirmed by crifre budget, find the courage to make at least some sucks.

Read more: -milk-sick-from-bottom oncologiciq-&-format = pdf & ml = 2 & mlt = yoo_explorer & tmpl = component

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A photo a day ... keeps the doctor away: MAZZANTI 'FULL TIME'

Credit where credit

from when it went straight to the board,
Mazzanti good everywhere now this: I'll find
sempre fra la gente
e d’ogni evento è primo testimone.

Al suo posto la Sabry ce lo pone:
e lui corre e scodinzola talmente,
che ci commuove, perché lui si sente
investito da santa ispirazione.

Se continua così sopra ogni breccia,
finirà che perfin spunterà fuori
con la granata in mano per le vie:

sarà lui, più veloce di una freccia,
a pulire i coriandoli, o signori:
sarà assai bravo in queste opere pie.
And as a fan
will eventually clean up one morning
even the home of his Sabrina!

Pasquino by Tizzana

Click to enlarge.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where To Put A Wired Outside Themometer


"[...] The news comes in every range: \u0026lt;12 deaths in the sea of \u200b\u200bindifference>. Then: \u0026lt;Affonda barca, the massacre immigrati>. \u0026lt;Before bilancio: 14 92 morti, sopravvissuti>, \u0026lt;are sought altri corpi>.

E domenica 22 settembre: <Altri nordafricani gettati in mare presso Scoglitti (Ragusa): altri 14 annegati>. Erano clandestini: si erano affidati a scafisti, dissanguandosi per pagare il prezzo della traversata, la caccia a un lavoro o a un pò di fortuna: partono dalla Tunisia o dal Nord Africa, lasciano una vita drammatica e scompaiono nella tragedia.

E' brutto chiamare gli stranieri vucumprà o è anche un pò affettuoso? Sono troppi, non sappiamo come sistemarli, ma non si potrebbe anche tentare di conciliare una regola giusta con un comportamento umano? Proprio noi che mandavamo in giro i nostri compatrioti with the red passport, provided that no taxes if they go away, piled up miroscafi who brought them in very \u0026lt;terre luntane>.
How many wrongs they had endured the small Sicilian and Neapolitan, landed with a suitcase of fiber and oil bottle at Ellis Island, the outpost of New York and America.
Li called for \u0026lt;Test brillantina>, for those shiny hair and wore them as a line divided by Rudolph Valentino in Son of the Sheik: dago, which has an uncertain origin, or macaroni, which needs no explanation.
A boy in a hundred went to school, the other grew on the sidewalks Hell's Kitchen, beating them with the Poles and the Irish were going to rob the railroad or in carts of fruit.
They had heard that in America, and elsewhere for the truth, you are nothing without money, do not count. Someone took it a lot and fast. Many could neither read nor write.
Many of them say-old-even now carusi for children, Job for work.
But we are not all equal in the U.S. and we also sent Enrico Fermi and Al Capone, and patience, there were also a couple Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde were not of Castellammare del Golfo.
I thought of these stories follow the news Parliament and also those of the mob: and as usual gave alms to the usual dark-skinned young man who gives you the lighter.
Even among them there will be types of all kinds, drug dealers, violent scoundrels and possible, but moving the lavamacchine who have an engineering degree and know three languages, maids and domestic helpers who have a diploma or even a degree in chemistry .
course, is a mass of desperate people trying to survive, I know, almost always, where they come from, what tragedies are in the back. Throw them out is a pity, but so is leaving to chance when there is a half that Italy is a great Harlem, or the suburbs of Washington, o le bidonville delle città americane con tante antenne Tv, e centinaia di migliaia di vucumprà bianchi che sono dei fratelli.

Si dice <fame> e si pensa a una sensazione quasi astratta, o a un romanzo del Nobel norvegese Knut Hamsun, ma è una condizione non solo letteraria,è reale.

Un giorno di Pasqua, a Ferrara, su una strada del centro, c'è un uomo rattristato, vestito di stracci, che ha appeso al collo un piccolo pezzo di cartone con una scritta tracciata col pennarello: <Ho fame, aiutatemi>.

Nessuno si accorge che sta morendo. Potrebbe rivolgersi a qualche ufficio di assistenza o ad un ospedale, ma refuses any contact with this \u0026lt;Company>. They autopsy: less than fifty years, perhaps killed dall'inedia.
The Good Samaritan does not drop more than a horse. We are almost six billion on this globe, almost a billion do not have to eat less and grows grass on the ground and there are fewer fish in the sea.
Only indifference is rampant.
But, as the wise peasant Bertoldo, \u0026lt;l'acqua l'uomo placid and silent that I piace>.
I met two priests who speak and act on these unhappy father Alex Zanotelli beacon of voluntary associations and cooperation with the Third World and the bishop of the diocese of Rumback in Sudan, Monsignor Caesar Mazzolari.
are missionaries who honor God consoling the men with a piece of bread .[...]"

(Enzo Biagi, from "a normal country Tips )

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A photo a day ... keeps the doctor away: the junta of

Among prises de cul this administration turns to his constituents every day, back in vogue this morning discussed the issue of the way of Montemagno, which Marta Quilici, on the Tyrrhenian , devotes an opening page.

The problem is that these stories are endless and, as noted by the Quilici, the road - today ricontestatissima for all its obscene holes - despite the many promises for several years, is still there as a sort of Dante Antinferno: sforramenti everywhere and walls that fall in the middle of the street.

It was this way, the workhorse of the former commissioner Franco Burchietti, who had promised that, with the proceeds of the sale of schools Montemagno, the roadway would be placed, abandoned for more than fifteen years .

Solo che Burchietti non era gradito a Dio – pardon , alla dea Sabrina! – e, come tutti sappiamo, è stato fatto fuori per una fanciullina più buona, obbediente e allineata come la Giovannetti.

Così i Montemagnesi sono rimasti a denti secchi.

Nel frattempo già lo scorso anno il Comune ha buttato diverse migliaia di euro in toppe e rattoppi. Perché questa è l’etica e l’ottica della Giunta Sergio Gori: buttar via quattrini a pizzicotti, per cui si vedono meno, ma se ne butta via di più. Che volpi!

Intanto il buon Mazzanti – anche lui giovincello di buone speranze, che sa non mordere la sua padrona, ma starle ossequiosamente alle spalle – ha dichiarato pubblicamente che la via di Montemagno è costantemente monitorata dall’amministrazione .

È la posizione intelligente del Pd: mettersi lì con una macchina fotografica in mano e aspettare che venga giù tutto.

Complimenti per l’acutezza d’ingegno, compagni!

Cliccare sull’immagine per ingrandirla.

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Camisani Marco Calzolari, SS & C Speaker at the conference on April 7 next: "Italy and the digital

Marco Camisani Calzolari, che aprirà i lavori del meeting “OTTIMISMO DIGITALE” , organizzato dalla nostra agenzia (quest’anno in collaborazione con API - Associazione delle Piccole e Medie Industrie della Provincia di Varese), è stato intervistato sabato scorso dal Corriere della Sera sul tema “L’Italia e il digitale” . Ha dichiarato: “I social network e le nuove forme di distribuzione commerciale hanno trasformato interi settori, dando nuovo stimolo a settori strategici come il turismo, l’editoria, l’immobiliare, la musica, fino ai servizi assicurativi e bancari e soprattutto il mercato del lavoro” . E He added: "The digital economy has brought comparison tools that help reduce costs for businesses and families and this represents a strategic opportunity to grow without cutting services" .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Did Kates Playground Have A Kid


Dobbiamo davvero ringraziare Poste Italiane perché, anche se funzionano particolarmente male, anche se consegnano la corrispondenza quando vogliono, anche se per spedire una lettera ordinaria da Pistoia a Pistoia o da Quarrata a Quarrata, la mandano al centro di smistamento di Firenze per farla poi tornare indietro: ma però – anche se non si dice – sono in grado di fare miracoli!
Premessa numero uno : sia chiaro che noi siamo per fare restare la posta a Santonuovo e ci schieriamo da parte della gente che ha bisogni reali e non ciacce come quelle dei nostri amministratori.
Premessa numero due : il miracolo è quello di far parlare il Romitino in prima persona – ma forse lo ha fatto solo because he is Santonuovo and nothing else.
Abstract number three: the greatest miracle was to make the voice of Arianna Benigni, in much less time than it took for the unfortunate participation of Sabrina-2, has managed to produce this statement posted Today on Tirreno :

ORDERS OF Santonuovo
The PD takes the field
"The direction we rethink '

QUARRATA. The Pd quarratino acts on post office closure Santonuovo for private use. "The Union City Democratic Party and the circle of Quarrata Pd Santonuovo expressed strong concern about the dreaded decision of the central management of the Italian Post Office to close at Santonuovo service to citizens and to use this site only for business "reads the press release signed by the town clerk Arianna Benigni (pictured).
"We consider laudable and we support the initiative of the provincial council and municipal council leader in Quarrata, Gabriele Romiti. We hope that its proposals for a willingness on the part of the Italian Post Office to a public meeting organized by the Council in the village, and maintaining a one-stop service to the citizen, or the testing until the end of year one door facing the private, have a positive response. Sure that does not prevail in the central management company but only the logic of profit that we consider the need to provide a service to the citizen in mind how important it also covers the outlying areas. Service - underline the Pd - essential for elderly residents and people with difficulty in moving. "

Devil administrators we have, people! Perhaps there was no need to talk, the stamp of the Communist Party secretary Vannelli!
With all the problems we are Quarrata - where returns only piece of the mosaic which is a whole controversy over everything, where the worst Mayor can not be heard even from Italian, who replied that they will be enshrined in law - the only subject on which the PD is to pronounce the mail this Santonuovo.

A field more and more neutral gray the little gray matter the municipal committee of the Democratic Party has in the pumpkin!

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The earthquake occurred in New Zealand is for the scientists, compared to many other anomalous for several reasons, the voice of the experts has been expressed to the mouth of Robert Yeats, a member of the Oregon State University .
According her, the shock of magnitude 6.3 was nothing found that a simple aftershock derived from the recent earthquake in September (7.1 magnitude, nds). The relatively
what is worrying is that, at a geological fault, the interest in these landslides had never been involved in rearrangements or adjustments. It 's more than ever clear to the expert interviewed
"[...] The last earthquake in New Zealand has hit an area not known to be affected by a fault on September 1: had not moved for thousands years. But if you combine the reduced depth, proximity to a city and the characteristics of the soil is understood that damage could be immense. [...] The same characteristics that have caused this destruction e tanti morti a Christchurch sono simili a quelle che si ritrovano di fronte a Portland, Seattle, parte della Bay Area e molte altre città della costa occidentale degli Stati Uniti. [...] E' importante tenere a mente che la Nuova Zelanda ha alcune delle norme di costruzione degli edifici più avanzate al mondo. Sono molto meglio preparati di quanto lo siano molte città degli Stati Uniti. "

Il rischio del ripetersi di fenomeni simili è, quindi, tutt'altro che da sottovalutare. Cosa avrebbe fatto un terremoto della stessa intensità in un Paese non all'avanguardia costruttiva come la Nuova Zelanda?

Ciò che conta è che, al di là delle formalità, con fenomeni tellurici simili sarebbero too many to risk. Risking
much of what happened in New Zealand, in fact.
The earthquake has added another phenomenon for which it is uncertain about coincidence, the possibility of making a mistake or inaccuracy in such fields as these are likely awfully high, given that science is being asked about a possible link. In the expanse of
Cavalier Creek, Stewart Island in New Zealand, took place a few days ago, the stranding of 107 whales, many of them are then death due to prohibitive weather conditions and survival.
Reasoning on the cause of such a massacre, most of the potential hypotheses have shown convergence toward a rapid and unexpected change of the magnetic fields:
"[...] According to Jim Berkland, a geologist, the beaching of whales would be correlated to changes in the magnetic field, an event that would occur (studies are still in progress) before an earthquake. to be affected, up to 1-2 days before, especially animals that are geared for their migration, but also dogs and cats. "
an earthquake may have as the litmus test perceived variation of magnetic fields?
The only one who can answer is, at present, science.
What is certain is that if animals driven by magnetic fields such as whales perdono la strada, è lecito interrogarsi su eventualità. E' assolutamente ammessa la possibilità di sbagliare, sostenuta da una fervida speranza di errore.

E' altrettanto ammessa la necessità di cambiare mentalità con cui analizzare il mondo, sfruttando purtroppo occasioni come queste. Nessun essere umano vorrebbe trovarsi al punto di considerare realtà la massima indiana seguente:

" Quando avrete abbattuto l’ultimo albero, quando avrete pescato l’ultimo pesce, quando avrete inquinato l’ultimo fiume, allora vi accorgerete che non si può mangiare il denaro ." (Toro Seduto)

Per saperne di più:

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SS & C has joined the Digital Agenda

SS & C has joined the Digital Agenda and invites them to sign the appeal: 'We give Italy a digital strategy'. The emergence of Digital Networks & Economics need to address the fundamental changes of patterns of development. Technological change, in fact, determines the economic and social developments. The nineteenth century was marked by the steam engine, the twentieth century electricity. The twenty-first century is the century digital , culture, knowledge and innovative spirit are the flywheels that project into the future. To sign the appeal:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Interview / Towards 2012. Massimo Bianchi, "freewheel" on the "earthquake" and the Future of Freedom, the PDL and the next elections municipal

QUARRATA_ Massimo Bianchi, 30, City Council and the Future of Freedom for Italy, the first administrator of the province of Pistoia, together with Nicola Barbarito to stand alongside Gianfranco Fini soon as the first cracks of the same with the PDL, which then led to the birth of Fli. Future and Freedom in turmoil by the Congress of Milan, some deputies and senators have left the project. The party founded by Fini has also now crumbling new defections in the Senate and also with the risk of sinking in the House of Deputati.A Quarrata meanwhile is getting closer to 2012, when local elections will be held. On these issues Massimo Bianchi - who appreciate the availability - has kindly answered a series of questions specifically for our blog.La Our intention is to offer this open space al confronto e al pubblico dibattito - anche agli altri amministratori locali in vista appunto della prossima tornata elettorale che interesserà come noto anche il Comune di Quarrata chiamato nel 2012 a rinnovare il sindaco e il consiglio comunale.

Ha riguardato pure voi a Quarrata il terremoto in Fli? Rimarrai con Fini ?

Terremoto? Non ho avvisato nessuna scossa; noi parliamo di politica. Certo che rimango con Fini; avrò mille difetti ma in quanto a coerenza ho la coscienza pulita.

Cosa mi puoi dire di Futuro e Libertà a Quarrata quindi?

Posso dirti che siamo un gruppo di dieci persone, delle quali i 3 consiglieri comunali, i cui ruoli will be defined by Congress, we are the largest opposition party in the municipal council, the most representative of Fli in Tuscany. We work quietly trying to keep out as much as possible domestic disputes because local elections count the people and the establishment of the same territory, this will base our discussions with a view of next year.

You call yourself a "hawk" or a "dove" in Fli?

I confide that this division I do not like myself a free man, put it this way. Then if you want to know something from my point of view Fli I tell you I have always been a breeze so I admire so much personality which Tatarella, Urso, Viespoli and I very much appreciate the frankness of other senior figures, one out of every Enzo Raisi.

No reference to the hawk as well as vice president of Fli Mouthpiece?

Italo Bocchino is so aggressive because they only called upon to perform the role of Fli defense equipment by the continuing attacks someone, is politically excellence and I am sure that Fini will reconstruct some divisions emerged at the conference. It 's normal that at a delicate stage as this big change and there can be confusion. Then, sorry, not a conference where we discuss everything and hides behind a facade of unanimity that Congress would be? Politics in Italy va male anche perchè si è perso, o proibito, il senso della discussione interna alle sedi della stessa.

E con il Pdl i rapporti come sono?

Ti rispondo ovviamente a livello personale: non ho niente contro nessuno del Pdl locale; questo ovviamente non significa che politicamente debba per forza andarci d'accordo, altrimenti nel Pdl ci sarei rimasto. I rapporti personali rimangono gli stessi di prima; sarebbe triste e deprimente considerare nemico un individuo che la pensa diversamente da me. Per precisare: quello di etichettare come "nemico" l'avversario politico è un altro male della politica italiana. I vertici provinciali del Pdl su di voi sono comunque duri, vi considerano traditori, inconsistent and reject the sender all your accusation about the triumph of meritocracy and not of no change Watch until the PDL will be represented by the provincial coordinator, Alberto La pen, I will not accept any kind of preaching from the pulpit: The pen is the one who caused the defeat of the center of Montecatini Terme, the head of the defeat of a personality and exquisite high as Ettore Severi (candidate for president of the province in 2009) due to a slate of candidates imposed by The Pen and built on anything but on meritocratic principles. To summarize: defeat in provincial elections of 2004 (The Pen was the candidate for president) defeat in provincial elections of 2009, beating the municipal Montecatini Terme 2009 (The Pen was the candidate for mayor): after all, this gentleman has been standing at his post and provincial coordinator in defending from the top (if that can be defined ) of his party, thereby negating every principle of meritocracy. And in the PDL are many who think so, but do not have the courage to speak out for fear of not more live inside it. Not least is Roberto Benedetti that has failed all expectations to which it was also voted to Quarrata. And then to think that politicians like these pretend to interfere with their fiduciary appointments in renewals of office of auditors and local participation, as happened during the renewal of the college of auditors Quarrata, imposing (but win out in our case ..) in the candidate wanted Quarrata La Penna, Pacini, had the worst with one chosen by local councilors who preferred, and elected, Pescara) persons who have nothing to do with the land in question but rather only choices to balance the division of power or to pay (politically speaking) "promissory policies." Sorry all of this because there would be provincial in PDL valid personality: like Alessandro Capecchi, Francesca Combs, William Bonacci, Carluccio Ceccarelli, Marcello Paci, Patrick La Pietra the PDL but, unfortunately, will never rise beyond the provincial landscape.

short Quarrata to how it will end in 2012?

First let me repeat, for the avoidance of doubt, that Fli is a right-wing party, but a right to modern Europe and that he sees himself in the moderate who does not like to do politics, nor crying, nor with the rearview mirror; we are left with the alternatives to which there never form an alliance. Obviously, for the good of the community is right to meet and talk with all political forces and to find, where possible solutions; ally, however, is something very different. Then if we are honest in Italy we have reached a point that being "left" and "being right" is, in both cases, contradictory attitudes continue to be denied, should first of all a healthy dose of common sense

we wait ...... Quarrata ... ...

at the local level, however, a strong agriculture policies mature beyond its natural place, it has to base its work first thing in the public interest and not, as they say, act for "bias"; expectations of these citizens are well represented by civic groupings with which it is right to confront and perhaps converge, regardless of the ethical issues. Lists and local civic committees are composed of politically-minded people in many different ways and the true strength of these non-partisan movement is to bring forward local issues, practical things that do not look to their political views. To give you an example in recent years I have been able to appreciate the work and learn a lot by the representatives of ListaCittàPerTe, especially from Gabriele Pratesi, but also by the Committee Olmi - Vignole in the person of Daniel Manetti, with We both continued battles on priority issues for the citizen (primary risk idrogeoligico, participation) that are neither right nor left, but that are simply right. Was and is fundamental commitment, preparation, collaboration and dedicated support on the issues mentioned above by Cialdi Alessandro (UDC) which recognize a preparation and clarity in policy to treasure for the city of Quarrata.Credo that Fli should now propose to quarratini as a "party-laboratory of ideas" and ask themselves to be the protagonists of the mandate of drawing up the plans that we will be called upon to perform. Some of the basic programming course will be: completion of the aqueduct network, the pipeline, the risk idrogelogico, environmental issues, the issue of waste, support and development of the productive sector, support to weaker sections of society, participatory budgeting. Who will review this as a guarantee of being alien to the logic of why the party leaders seek to interfere in the local open ports will have to confront this and why not share our idea of \u200b\u200bdoing politics. The people, the local roots, the ability of individuals and citizens' needs come before the partition of candidates or chairs imposed by this self-referential system in which only count a few at the expense of many.

So, ultimately, negative opinion on the mayor and the majority?

undoubtedly have failed even on that it was impossible to fail. They lost in the mid term, a most worthy councilor to the budget, hanno impegnato il bilancio comunale per tre anni sul Piuss ( piste ciclabili sugli argini fatiscenti !!!), del programma elettorale non hanno realizzato quasi niente a rifarsi da tematiche come i rifiuti e la dotazione dei servizi, fino ad assistere che sulla partecipazione se la cantano e se la suonano.Vengono richiesti milioni di euro alle fondazioni per opere culturali moderne anzichè finire di ripristinare un patrimonio storico-artistico come Villa La Magia; il problema del rischio idrogeologico è pressochè irrisolto, per non parlare della viabilità. Quindi, massimo rispetto personale, ma il sindaco finirà la legislatura nel peggiore dei modi; la maggioranza? fatta eccezione per il presidente del consiglio comunale Massimo Sauleo, che had the intellectual honesty and political dissent, if any knock once saw the awkward silence in the face of so much administrative disaster that is, in fact, decreed whenever the City Council, majority raise their hands to vote.

to close short: fli will advance his own candidacy for mayor?

This is not the place nor the way to talk about certain issues and I am only able to tell you that for sure Fli will not support a mayoral candidate ever imposed by a secretariat of the party to suit so the logic of the flags in the map of applications. The mayoral candidate must be an authority figure and capacity aggregation. We have already been wrong once and did not want to happen again. Quarrata first.

(interview by Andrea Balli )

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The challenge for SMEs: it starts from the web!

The small and medium enterprises are showing an incredible reactivity, especially in recent months, in implementing a dynamic opportunities the web. It is less adjustment, although it is inevitable especially in some areas, a kind of emulation for the models represented by large enterprises. This is innovation. What many SMEs are finding is the creative aspect of new media and the activities that are offered are often rich in values \u200b\u200band content. Helped in this by a series of options that enhance and improve every day, today SMEs have access to especially the opportunity to speak with one large and competitive, free digital ideas and creativity as they have always dreamed of proving that this aspect of innovation is a key source of growth and development. (From comunicazioneitaliana )

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La Convenzione di Washington sul Commercio Internazionale delle Specie di fauna e flora minacciate di estinzione, altresì siglata come CITES, ha stilato un bilancio relativo alla condizione del commercio internazionale (soprattutto illegale, nds) di piante ed animali in via di estinzione.
In Italy alone, the past has given to the Woodland 2010 a quantity of seizures of more than 90% higher than last year (in Italy and 1500accertamenti 39mila customs in the locality).
CITES direct control and trade of about 30 thousand species, of which approximately 25 thousand plants are.
the budget presentation, the Chairman Fulco Pratesi WWF recalled how for thousands of animal and plant trade is the first threat of extinction, the world market is worth about 240miliardi euros per year between timber, live animals, reptile skins and fur of mammals, caviar and ornamental and medicinal plants. Within Europe alone has a value stimato di 100 miliardi di dollari/anno.

Cosa rimane da fare nella sola Italia? Massimiliano Rocco, Responsabile di WWF Italia, ha direttive chiare:

" Per la tutela delle specie protette non si deve abbassare la guardia. Occorre destinare alla applicazione  puntuale della CITES adeguate risorse e strumenti operativi efficienti e innovativi perché la Convenzione resta uno degli strumenti più importanti per la tutela della biodiversità e delle risorse naturali .[...] L’Italia deve arrivare quanto prima a promuovere un piano di azione nazionale, lavorare con i paesi terzi per promuovere i piani di gestione per le specie maggiormente interessate dal commercio illegale e dedicare più attenzione Management of seized illegal trade in live animals. The State must ensure, as we have undertaken to do, adequate rehabilitation centers offer a better life to those who have been cruelly deprived of his liberty . "
Italy is the first market in the world trade in reptile skins : This business is quantified in about 1.5 billion euros a year.
Saving biodiversity means to intervene in areas such as these, protecting habitats and ecosystems: to stop the deforestation process, stop the overbuilding of our territories and combat market illegal wildlife, of which Italy is the first in the world and encourage the use sustainable use of these resources.
" The results achieved in 2010 by men of the Forest Service's CITES are encouraging and bode well. Wanting to show how one can try to stop the illegal trade of species, as evidenced by the joint work among the people of CFS el ' Office TRAFFIC WWF .[...] The commitment that the WWF calls on the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture is developing a program for LIFE joint protection and preservation of the remaining population. " is the opinion of Fulco Pratesi.
Read more:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Operation Repo Episode From January 11


" This one goes out to man who mines for miracles

This one goes out to the ones in need

This one goes out to the sinner and the cynical

This ain't about no apology

This road was paved by the hopeless and the hungry

This road was paved by the winds of change

Walking beside the guilty and the innocent

How will you raise your hand when they call your name

Yeah, yeah, yeah

We weren't born to follow

Come on and get up off your knees

When life is a bitter pill to swallow

You gotta hold on to what you believe

Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow

And that saints and sinners bleed

We weren't born to follow

You gotta stand up for what you believe

Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah

This one's about anyone who does it differently

This one's about the one who curses and spits

This ain't about our livin in a fantasy

This ain't about givin up or giving in

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

We weren't born to follow

Come on and get up off your knees

When life is a bitter pill to swallow

You gotta hold on to what you believe

Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow

And that saints and sinners bleed

We weren't born to follow

You gotta stand up for what you believe

Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh Yeah

Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah


(Guitar Solo)

We weren't born to follow

Come on and get up off your knees

When life is a bitter pill to swallow

You gotta hold on to what you believe

Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow

And that saints and sinners bleed

We weren't born to follow

You gotta stand up for what you believe

Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah

Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
We Were not Born To Follow, oh yeah
We Were not Born To Follow, oh yeah. "


" This is the man who makes miracles
This is for those who need
This is for sinners and cynical
This is not to apologize

This road was paved
From the people and the hopeless hungry
This road was paved
by the winds of change
Walking around the guilty and the innocent
How to get up
hand when calling your name?

Yeah, yeah, yeah

We were not born to follow someone
Come here and get up from your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You fixed on what you believe
Do you think the sun will shine tomorrow
And the saints and sinners bled
We were not born to follow someone
You have to fight for what they believe
Let me hear you say "yes, yes, yes ..."

This is about anyone who does it differently
This is about what it swears and spits
This is not about our living in a fantasy
This is not about giving up or sull'arrendersi

Yeah, yeah, yeah

We were not born to follow someone
Come here and get up from your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You fixate on what you believe
Do you think the sun will shine tomorrow
And the saints and sinners bled
We are not born to follow someone
You have to fight for what you believe
Let me hear you say "yes, yes, yes ..."
Let me hear you say "yes, yes, yes ..."


We were not born to follow someone
Come here and get up from your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You fixate on what you believe
Do you think the sun will shine tomorrow And
i santi e i peccatori hanno sanguinato

Non siamo nati per seguire qualcuno

Devi lottare per quello in cui credi

Lascia che io ti senta dire "si, si, si..."

Lascia che io ti senta dire "si, si, si..."

Non siamo nati per seguire qualcuno

Non siamo nati per seguire qualcuno."

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Marathon 2011 Verona

Un bellissimo weekend all’insegna di incontri vecchi e nuovi, di molte chiacchere e tantissime risate: tra forumisti e blogger ho rivisto e conosciuto tante di quelle persone che a far l’elenco dimenticherei sicuramente qualcuno.
E tra tante ghignate son riuscito anche a correre la maratona allenamento che non avrei sperato nelle più rosee previsioni (considerato che il giovedì mattina stavo smaltendo l’ennesima influenza), centrando l’obiettivo che mi ero prefissato sulla carta.
Fiero dei miei "Baffi da Maratona" ed insieme ad altri tre amici di Runningforum (che condividono la mia stessa strategia di tender / training) covers the first 7-8 miles in total relaxation at a pace that would be problematic to do more slowly to 10 ° km in transit over an hour from there and change the pace and get ready to run to the very long 'pre-gait (5' 15 ", according to most, second less ...). The transition to middle
in 2h net leaves us a bit 'confused, as we counted to reach the pacer 4 o'clock in this part of the race to find out they are 5' away and who are leading a race to say the least reckless.
The most ugly race and suffered the usual, that infamous Lungadige Parona back in town, 4-5 miles in full wind ho il terrore di un colpo di freddo, visto e considerato anche che (non so in base a quale stupiderrimo ragionamento!) ho avuto la brillantissima idea di mangiare un pezzo di banana gelata al 15° Km e che da allora questa risiede stabilmente alla bocca del mio stomaco, minimamente intezionata a smuoversi da lì.
Dal ristoro del 20° inizio a bere sorsi di thè caldo provvidenziale e così facendo tengo a bada la pancia, scongiurando inopportuni malesseri.
Il rientro in città mi appaga: queste sono le vie che percorro ogni mattina nelle mie corse solitarie, e correre tra i monumenti di Verona e sentire il calore delle persone rende tutto più facile.
Al 33° Km perdo il primo compagno of adventure, to 35 ° the second: it is at this point (unsurprisingly) that reach the pacer 4 o'clock, earlier than ten minutes on their schedule. I dare not think of the insults collected from those who have jumped in the air trying to keep up with him ... bah! Continuation
solo, the regular rhythm, tired legs, but not destroyed, everything really easy and hassle free.
The last few miles we walk through the narrow streets of old town, with porphyry cubes made slippery by rain, to the entrance in the Arena, the output in the majestic Bra and applauding meters walked past a group of guys before me and which led the entire race pushing the wheelchair of a quadriplegic boy, whose face is an image of an uncontrollable happiness. Can not fail to be moved: my bright eyes are for him, not so much for my eighth finisher medal, archive, however, that a satisfactory 3h 51 '51 ".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Call ITALY, Dandolo LOVE: Thanks Robert

Se la musica può rappresentare il tessuto sociale e l'anima di una collettività, Roberta Flack with the victory of San Remo can be seen in some hope for the more feeble the national scene.
In a context that has the best expressions of the singers from the past victories talent show, the triumph of one of the greatest songwriters really been issued a certificate on the objective state of affairs in our local land.
It is a revised text at the top engaged, reinforced by a joint award of the critical part that music is not used to make concessions to anyone.
" Call still love" is a text that can evoke many issues, thin to perfection by a musically similar but not identical to other works of the great singer-songwriter Milan.
's a song that brings back those poets and sailors infinite able to move the rivers with the thought and talk to the sky , citing the song he knows to be perfect gap between youth and need to dream a future better.
returns from the text but not omnipotent omnipresent love, eager to balance the fate of Italy that seems doomed to a perpetual sunset.
We read poets, students with books in hand brandished as weapons sharp, and are recalled bastards lords of pain well known to all who were able to throw the air all our past and our future. Lost the common memory, It does not bear obvious means by which correct binaries of our present.
"Call still love" is a song that wants to defend humanity generally understood, using any instrument, whether it be silence or thunder, it does not matter.
Whatever is good to break through this veil of maya that prevents us from looking straight ahead to the future.
" Call still love" is a song that makes you love the crazy ideas and thoughts: elusive, ineffable and unattainable as butterflies. At the same time is a song that aims to give a hello to Italy again, after too many endless nights and hate evil.
E 'for a song giovani, capace di ridare spinta ad un paese fermo al palo e senza più sguardo sul futuro.

" Chiamami ancora amore " è una canzone progettata per riempire con musica e parole questo osceno silenzio assordante che ci pervade.

Continuamente. " Chiamami ancora amore " è una infinitesima porzione di quella musica vera, di cui tanto ha bisogno questo paese.

Musica vera che il vincitore di questo Sanremo ha definito con queste parole:

"[...] la musica ha una particolarità che i greci hanno scoperto, e che forse non sappiamo tutti, che non è un'arte a sè: è l'arte delle arti. La musica entra in tutte le arti perchè è un secondo language. Because our soul needs two ways of being and the music is as a counterpoint to what is happening.
It 's a counterpoint to the words when he goes on poetry, [...] always existed in the polis. Do not you live without music. [...] The school absolutely has to find a space to tell the kids how to read, not as it ascolticchia. How to read the song that we call copyright, but also the song in general ... [...] The song writing is a trampoline, can serve to educate young people to discover the difficulties of meaning beautiful and wonderful poetry. [...] Qullo that is up to us to be people, something that personat, that increases the sound you have in sending him off, something like a Greek mask amplified mo 'funnel. What you have inside, which is small, it must be great because the beauty and happiness are even understand each other. And when at last we understand, through the beautiful, it was definitely happier .[...]"
(round table with Roberta Flack, from the book " The sound and the ink-poetry and song in ' Italian contemporary )
"Call still love" is a song daughter of a mind and a wonderful person.
If not enough compliments received, a Another small thanks Roberto.
Signed, your a big fan.

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20. The confusion of the 'modern cinema'
Sunday, February 20, 2011

We are not talking at all film and Benigni arriving on horseback. We are simply following step by step, the complicated story of the reorganization of the former modern cinema, right in the center of Quarrata.
The blog of Andrea Balli takes for the safe resettlement (if not more, now, with the obscene proposal of the whale with his mouth open as it was said at the outset) and, immediately after, Il Tirreno
warns that for now it does nothing, because nobody knows who the City could buy out of the way to ruin that, though erasing more than half a century of history Quarrata. In the meantime, Mazzanti
- 's Assessor Nonhoquattrini - talks about rehabilitation of the so-called Constitution Square, which is adequate accommodation in the minds of the Board of the left, in a square from toilets and public toilets. But beware: Mazzanti also says that the square will be enlarged.
now the deputy mayor should explain how it will widen the square (the pull, perhaps, like a rubber band?), Can not buy the modern cinema. Because if he and his engineers are able to do this, we say to Renzi and to entrust the good Marco Rossi also highly contested expansion of cross-Peretola, without affecting any of the municipalities that are around, do not you think?
Seriously, we face the nth mockery of the Executive.
must undo and redo the center, but still do not know basically nothing of how or when the does, how it intends to do with that.
The City Council and the opposition forces must always know what will be interposed to newspapers and press release and not the other way?
is clear that none of democraticissimi interested in democracy, even if they decide to budget cuts and castrations well (!) 40 people randomly picked up within a month.
As opposition, therefore, claim the right to know the news first hand and know how in the council. And how absolutely dissatisfied with the systems and methods of the worst Mayor Quarrata, officially invite Sabrina to be entirely consistent - with its armigera Giovanetti - With the principles of participation, which seems to have recently discovered in all their priceless value.
early so that the administration to convene the board's committees, the elected representatives of participation, public meetings that explain what's really going on and how the council intends to work instead of wasting time in idle chatter and contradictory press releases.
Also not get to have public toilets in the center, which will end up in the hands of co-advisers or people related with the council as usual.

And really good Sunday Democratic everyone!

Click to enlarge.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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The context in which the Sun lives and to live the entire planet Earth is, essentially, by an endless series of thermonuclear reactions with a power unknown to any human mind or instrument. The
prohibitive conditions of temperature and pressure within the nucleus contribute to increase the reaction and to accelerate the speed, allowing the star to radiate its energy in the solar system.
With all these factors, what we know as life has a strong specific weight.
Burning Fuel and depleting reserves, the Sun is at work even majestic eruptions: the case of large spills matter escape from the surface of the star.
To get an idea of \u200b\u200btheir power, we consider that each of these has an internal energy equal to that produced by tens of millions of nuclear bombs.
E 'Clearly, in this respect, for humanity be still alive thanks to the Sun on the Earth is a matter of pure luck, with what you should run out of demeaning and immature and obscene delusions of omnipotence, but this is another speech.
The solar flares are majestic and scary at the time itself, caused the trend seems to be variations of magnetic fields inside the Sun. Exploding
, a blast disperses the Universe infinite myriads of energetic particles that help make those phenomena that we all recognize as borealis and aurora australis :

Knowing the show, the Sun must also inspire in some way shape of fear.
It 's the case these days, in which NASA itself has reported a significant increase in solar flare phenomena, all the danger comes from the fact that these energetic particles above could completely put to rest all that concerns electricity and technology within our planet. In
scientific details, astronomers have found Feb. 16 on the day a huge burst of X rays, the explosion was classified with code R3 (strong), compared to an intensity that is not clear for more than four years.
To this is added to the previous day, a so-called CME (Coronal Mass Ejection, nds). In short, the Sun has released a huge ejection of matter composed of protons and electrons.
This phenomenon could, if increased, jeopardize everything that has to do with progress and electronics. NASA emphasized that it is remote eventuality; data l'imprevedibilità del Sole e dei fenomeni naturali in generale, è più che lecito interrogarsi. Proprio in questi momenti, infatti, le particelle sprigionate dall'unione combinata di questi due fenomeni stanno giungendo o sono già giunte sulla Terra: si consideri che la nube di particelle sprigionate viaggia alla media velocità di 900 km/secondo.

In mezzo a tutto questo, la necessità di riequilibrare il nostro precario concetto di umanità:

" L'astronomia costringe l'anima a guardare oltre e ci conduce da un mondo ad un altro."  (Platone)

I protagonisti dell'astronomia ci catapultano, a maggior ragione, in una dimensione di idee completamente alien to the common uncertainty.
If only you would, this sun ..

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ROBERTO SPEAKS RED BACK IN PDL: "The future go RIGHT, I AM LIBERAL, light green He convinced me" ... "SILVIO I have always loved you and then e 'Sales as MY UNCLE .... HAS HAD THE WARRANTY OF HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONS

"Think twice - told me Verdini - it is time for responsabilità.Te feel like press against Silvio ? Do you feel? It is easier to reconcile the differences and come to us? ".

At that moment, when it was going to vote in the House for a search warrant Spinelli, safe mobile Berlusconi's hand Verdini was resting on her shoulder and the body of Roberto Rosso was a thrill.

"I went to Gianfranco Fini and I said, I do not feel." Affection for Berlusconi's special. "I have always loved you, so good. The differences arose for local squabbles in Piedmont. "

There is also a spiritual bond that somehow connects to the premier .

"We know that he is a fervent Salesian.

And she is ...

"... St. John Bosco is my great-uncle"

seems like nothing, but these things matter.

"Fini is a gentleman, he understood."

His was a moment of heel.

"A reaction to small problems."

We feel it is freed from a heavy weight that made her steps.

"My relationship with Berlusconi is wonderful, steel, heavy, happy."

The local dispute Turin had the rest of the size of a little thing.

"Totally exceeded, we have solved beautifully."

The trip in the future and freedom lasted four months.

"You know what? I am very liberal and the Congress of Milan, I felt a right turn. Brrrr

seems that Fini virasse left.

"No, right. I felt that the Friends Fli needed to return to their own identity MSI. "

His house is Forza Italy, the people of freedom.

"I time and thought to the dilemma has always been this: I stay in this party or back home? ".

Think twice, the repeated affectionately Verdini.

"And I have chosen. Fini is a good man, delicious. "

And you, nephew of the saint, is a friend of the premier sales (temporarily sinner).

"My political journey is linear.


"In what way?"

practice, he attended? O is one of those Catholic adults.

"Several Sometimes I go to church. But why do you ask? ".

Because of St. John Bosco.

"A Mass in Rome."

Berlusconi has finally embraced.

"Of course, it was nice."

Fini colder.

"A handshake. But nice. "

Antonello Caporale ( from "The Republic )