Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Snl Chrisopher Lowell

A photo a day ... keeps the doctor away: Valenzatico touched by God

The fresh egg of the day, this morning, is the fact that he found Mazzanti € 120 thousand to fix Valenzatico.
have missed for years to € 60 thousand Montemagno, but obviously the village where he lives also city planning commissioner, comes before anything else, even if born after other critical situations and, perhaps more critical than this.
We see that the elections are fast approaching ...
But Immediately clean the way for misunderstanding: the opposition voted unanimously this solution, proposed today by Mazzanti, in favor of Valenzatico. We, too, then.
But with the opposition vote was also very critical on how to operate the majority: an extemporaneous way, it was said, and no planning at all.
short, the majority gives a shot to right and one left, depending on how you wake up in the morning. It does not in any way a priority list and goes on like this, the blind: in fact many other villages that have, in terms of actions, the birthright, are always called in the queue, as someone convenient to do otherwise. And why not? Also according to the electoral preferences of certain localities and certain villages: you know - after all - that the spirit is forte, ma la carne è… debolissima.
E quella delle sinistre è una carne debolissima per eccellenza. Addirittura quasi fragile e inconsistente.
Negli anni d’oro del comunismo, la parola, per certe forze era programmazione . Si partiva dai piani quinquennali del Pcus e dei soviet. E chi non raggiungeva gli obiettivi minimi, tornava a casa e, nei casi peggiori, finiva in Siberia.
Oggi le cose si sono completamente rovesciate. Non c’è più capacità di programmare nemmeno una colazione da Tiffany .
Non perché siano finiti i comunisti. No. Perché sono finite le vere sinistre. Al posto delle quali entered more than anywhere else: even the Democrats that their party can no longer find the composite system capacity in some places, elsewhere they are recycled.

But only to mount a chair and paste them on the ass.

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