Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Best Antidepressant Of 2009


In an Italy decadent, the cry of so many " If not now, when? " color day and try to give specific weight to a country destroyed. So as it is impossible to find confidence in a political rough at the same time you can move a message full of hope on a day that, even rhetorically, to be different.
Fighting the winds of everyday mediocrity, you find that have to be rehabilitated in these days is the figure of the male.
In a corrupt society from a perspective that is macho and sexist, for too long, move undisturbed place statistics are overwhelmingly able to slam into the face some hard truth that we often pretend not to know:
  • 60.1% Italian graduates are women, being able to finish their studies in spite of males over laggards;
  • 48.6% rate of inactivity of the Italian women, strengthened by 10% of female unemployment persistent
  • a measly 20% of managers are women with leadership potential;
  • employment rate for women without children, in range 25-64 years, amounts to 63.9% (EU average 75.8%).
Beyond the obvious and too easy for political exploitation, it is essential to give some strong sign before the inevitable abyss. What would have happened if women had had more influence and opportunity in the world?
would change something faster? Staremmo forse un pò meglio di come stiamo ora?

Esisterebbe il detto " si stava meglio quando si stava peggio " o potremmo dire " scopriremo di stare ancora meglio guardando avanti "?

Le donne, nonostante ogni pronostico, sono sempre pronte a combattere contro quel vento di mediocrità sopra descritto. L'uomo pensa a fare la guerra, a laurearsi in ritardo od a denunciare prostituzione di cui egli stesso è spesso parte integrante.

Se il sistema è malato terminale, forse è per larga parte colpa nostra. Nonostante tutto, le donne rimangono vicino a noi per reclamare spazio. Non hanno bisogno di voci, in quanto ne possiedono moltissime e bellissime.

Il mondo andrà forse meglio quando vedremo una " Festa dell'uomo " sostituirsi alle troppe " Feste della donna " celebrate e ritualizzate senza alcun gesto concreto? Grazie alle sole celebrazioni, l'Italia è disastrata dal punto di vista dell'emancipazione femminile, qualora ci sia ancora bisogno al 2011 di invocare l'assoluta necessità di " Pari Opportunità ":

  • 87esimo posto nel mondo per la partecipazione al lavoro retribuito;

  • 121esimi per quanto riguarda forme di eguaglianza retributiva;

  • 97simo per la presenza n posti di responsabilità amministrativa e di comando;

  • 74esimo nel trattamento women in general.
The report taken by the World Economic Forum is merciless, even in the judgments:
" Italy continues to be one of the countries ranked worse and his situation has deteriorated over the past two years ."
If there is a problem in the real philosophical theory of the uncaused cause not hold.
If a solution exists, that remedy must be sought quickly.
background you may pay a price too precise: the total disintegration of the world to be delivered to those who come after us. Psiconani and delusional politicians aside, it is always the best time to reiterate the need to improve this terrible status quo. Relying more women may be one of the best ways to try to straighten the rudder.
After all, there will be because if you are still here with us to scream, to beg for more space, respect and consideration. While " behind every man there is always a great woman , engineering and philosophically correct to say that" behind every human male there is always a great feminine humanity. "
convictions would serve to recognize the man made colossal mistakes, to balance awareness in the midst of this wind of mediocrity so overwhelming. Throughout
the time that remains, along with beautiful bodies with sublime minds to resist.
To return to the better world, even true love decorating: "[...] for this respectful men, those who treat women as they themselves want to be treated, must be heard incessantly to avoid being confused with others: those who still have not realized nor the size of their crime, nor become as dirty ignore that women are not things and have full rights: [...] equal before the law, equal in rights and duties, both at home and at work and in the common government of society.
[...]" (fragment by letter Pilar Del Rio Saramago, wife of the late writer Jose Saramago )
Ravings of a madman? To them is given the following sentence:
" Everything that was written by men against women must be considered suspect because they are at once judges and parties. " (Immanuel Kant)
Signed, a judge -party.
(The best part possible, nds)


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