Saturday, March 5, 2011

Smelly Urine Apple Juice


" The Italian government, to 'the European Union, the Secretary General of 'UN: international appeal

witnessing with dismay and indignation to the ongoing massacre of innocent civilians by mercenary troops in the service of the dictatorship of Gaddafi. But the mass executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and mutilation inflicted on anyone dare to oppose the regime that dominates Libya illegally should not go unpunished.
mercenary forces that are operating in Libya be stopped, and the recurrence of such crimes must be prevented. We ask you to do everything possible because any violation of the UN Convention against mercenaries and mercenary is found and punished.
That convention came into force in 2001, but has many weaknesses and was not adopted by the countries from which the main mercenary. The atrocities committed in Libya, on the other seems to claim the 'adoption of a more radical and effective legal instrument against the scourge of mercenary forces. Mercenary activities are a threat to international peace and security of us all, and should be regarded as genocide, piracy and mass murderers, that is, crimes against humanity. The mercenaries should be prohibited in all its manifestations, and especially when it masquerades under the guise of so-called "private military and security companies" operating in Libya, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq and other theaters of conflict, where there are distinguishing for cruelty, lack of control and massive violation of civil and military penal codes. We ask that you strongly, therefore, to strive for creating a new international convention to:
1) prohibit and punish with the utmost severity who recruits, organizes, uses, trained and financed mercenaries all over the planet;
2) prohibits strictly states to delegate or subcontract its responsibilities to private in terms of security and the monopoly of physical violence;
3) obligations on States Parties to ban any foreign military activity undertaken by their companies and citizens, and the recruitment the latter by mercenary companies;
4) provides for the implementation of appropriate programs of assistance for victims of trafficking and mercenary criminals connected to it. "

FROM: http: / /


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