We are not interested at all institutional clash between the Province (Mari) and the Consortium Ombrone (Bargas).
We do not want the merits of who is wrong and right, because it would - how would the Manzoni - a desire to straighten the legs dogs.
Una cosa però la possiamo dire e la dobbiamo dire. Il Consorzio Ombrone aveva realizzato il progetto con tecnici che hanno lavorato solo sulle carte. Ed evidentemente male.
Spieghiamoci meglio: nessuno si era accorto, durante la redazione del progetto, della casa fantasma che sorge proprio in mezzo alla ‘buca delle acque’.
Su questo nessuno – a meno che non sia un emerito incompetente – avrà da ridire: sul fatto che i progetti (che costano, fra l’altro centinaia di migliaia di euro, se non milioni) non si possono preparare a tavolino come dei ragazzini che copiano dall’enciclopedia la relazione per il professore di filosofia o per the poster to stick in the classroom.
Whoever drafted the project, he did this, did not bother to do more than take the plants and without unrivet your ass off the table, draw the lines.
A great project, no doubt about it. A project which now imposes a riediting and a lot of months of delay and inconvenience. Not to mention security.
we care little indignation of Bargellini or conceit of Mari: both rejected because, with this catch, both gave evidence of being unable to keep up with their technicians and their expertise. They have proven to be people who do leave, though handsomely paid for the responsibilities that you have to be invested.
also know students in their first year of surveyors, in order to do a project, especially if complex, must go there, we must also talk to people, you must use not only the intelligence (not enough), but also a sense illusory, yet fundamental, which is the view.
And everybody knows by now that there is also Google Maps, where you can see everything from above, including ghost houses - as has been shown by Alexander Cialdi.
This was not done, dear Mari and Bargas.
And it's a shame, now, that we've got to fight, only to the detriment of the populations concerned.
a disgrace that should be made to pay in terms of real costs, and technicians who have gone to politicians who have not properly supervised.
Other than to be pulling their hair like little children escaped from a kindergarten!
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