Friday, March 4, 2011

Big Block Chevy Winnebago Engine


To meet emergency needs and unresolved waste crisis in Campania, the region will find the necessary financial coverage by providing increases in the fees paid for electricity. This
yet another potential hidden tax is one of many variations Milleproroghe budget contained in the decree that the Senate approved on 16 February. Moving quietly one thousand thousand refunds and deferred taxes, were snatched money to the fund for cancer patients and was given royal warrant to get their hands in their pockets to people already slaughtered. On the question
waste, it is sublime review the words by Roberto Saviano wrote in La Repubblica, just three years ago:
" is a territory that does not come out at night. And we do not find solution.
What is happening is serious, because they become extraordinary Rights simpler: have an accessible way, do not breathe air travel, to live an average life expectancy of a European country.
live without having to have the obsession to immigrate to join. [...]
It dies a silent plague that comes in the body where you live and take you to finish in the oncology departments of middle Italy.
The latest figures published by World Health Organization show that the situation in Campania is amazing, talk about a surge in diseases of cancer.
pancreas, lungs, bile ducts of 12% more than the national average.
The medical journal The Lancet Oncology as of September 2004 was about a 24% increase of liver tumors in areas of landfills and women are most affected. It's worth mentioning that the data in high risk areas of northern Italy is an increase of 14%. But perhaps these events take place in another country. Why do those who govern and those who are in opposition, who narrates and discusses who lives in another country. Why
if they lived in the same country would be impossible to notice this only when the streets are full of waste. [...] does not happen in another country that waste is a huge business.
everyone gains: is a resource for business, for politics, for the clans, a resource paid mangled bodies and poisoning the land. They earn collectors: Waste collectors today bells are among the best in Italy and even able to get in touch with the most important groups of waste collection in the world.
[...] What makes this tragic is that these are not the days to be affected, not the streets che oggi solo colpite delle “sacchette” di spazzatura a subire danno.

Sono le nuove generazioni ad essere danneggiate.

Il futuro stesso è compromesso.

Chi nasce neanche potrà più tentare di cambiare quello che chi li ha preceduti non è riuscito a fermare e a mutare.

L’80 per cento delle malformazioni fetali in più rispetto alla media nazionale avvengono in queste terre martoriate. Varrebbe la pena ricordare la lezione di Beowulf, l’eroe epico che strappa le braccia all’Orco che appestava la Danimarca: “il nemico più scaltro non è colui che ti porta via tutto, ma colui che lentamente ti get used to not have anything. "
's right, get used to not having the right to live in their own land, to understand what is going to decide for themselves. Getting used to not have anything .
(Roberto Saviano for "The Republic , Jan. 5, 2008)
The problem, before the political, human and is marked by degeneration in the long term.
future generations will have to suffer the price, when the place of the politicians today will be hung on the chairs already confused between dust and grave.
What is sufficient will stop the problem temporarily taking in extension and on the sly, money citizens already devastated by hallucinatory status quo. In addition, this alarm
the protests made by the leaders of REBA ( European Registry for Environmental Bombs, nds): according to them would be absolutely appalling lack of a valid plan for the integrated treatment of the waste cycle.
remain in fact, head of distribution channels for the disposal, incinerators and incinerators.
allowing them a return energy in the form of electricity, then the procedures for disposal, it is legal to have an economic return from any networking of this energy.
The process of obtaining energy through special operations of pressing and drying waste, it is actually very diseconomies and expensive in relation to the total amount of energy required for the operation of these facilities.
In addition, the energy produced by energy plants is sold to a private cost about three times that normally force the logic of the market. The extra cost
on those blunders cost is paid from the pockets of taxpayers in accordance with requirements that the company gets reimbursement by the state under the act identified as Cip6 . According to estimates by the Energy brought the total cost of this reimbursement occult be estimated in about 1.8 billion euros.
Beyond the numbers, Europe and the relevant committees are pressing more and more to see clear and sharp.
Roberto Saviano has written, " the enemy more cunning is not the one that takes you away everything but the one that you slowly get used to not have anything ."
At this rate, to future people will be taken off life as well.
Faced with this situation, one wonders if the enemy is too smart or is it really time to say " up to us."
Personally, I incline to the latter. For the rest, readers will judge.
Who would deny, of course, welcome and entitled to motivate.

Read more: and-a-land-that-not-will find solutions /


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