10. CASH QUERCIOLA: From Here To Eternity
Sunday, March 6, 2011
To read what he wrote yesterday on Giancarlo Zamponi Nation, the sponge falls hand, because, for work already required and funded until 2006, we pass today , a reference to 8 years, with the latest news flow from Caserana Mauro Mari: the commissioner has in fact said that after the uncertainty about the work, due to the project tavolinesco Ombrone Consortium, which did not notice the presence of a home within the perimeter of the reservoir, now it will take another three years of the project and several hundred thousand euro in funding since the money that there were five years ago, more than € 3 million, not enough.
Caserana No matter that no one has lost patience and that there has been what some might expect, this is an assault on the caravan politicians - who, moreover, seen up close as well, showed only a thing: a substantial inability to pursue the problems of people to give not only the right answers, but most effective and decisive.
does not matter because the calm is no more sign of detente between citizens and public authorities, but - we're more than convinced, of course - is a sign, much more obvious and concrete, rassegnazione e sfiducia nei confronti di una classe politico-amministrativa che sa fare bene solo una cosa: apparire, mostrarsi, reclamizzarsi per poi scomparire di fatto dinanzi alle difficoltà che ogni giorno si incontrano concretamente nell’amministrazione della cosa pubblica.
Che un’opera che potrebbe rassicurare la piana debba, in buona sostanza, slittare di 8 anni dalla sua iniziale partenza, e che si debba sentir dire all’Assessore Mari – quarratino, per giunta – che lui queste cose le sta maneggiando solo da appena un anno e mezzo perché prima non c’era , non tranquillizza affatto: perché è segnale certo, a nostro giudizio, del fatto che c’è always an excuse and a loophole to dismiss their responsibilities and put their conscience at the shelter.
Mari Help yourself Ombrone Consortium, which made the mess he has committed.
But let us also say that profess always in perfect order, case, pure and innocent and never recognize their own limits (and this limits skipped there are more than one: by the Province to common) or just a mistake, is the element that sets the perfect image and calligraphic our political right and left of center.
They're just a nice flock of peacocks that make the wheel.
Good Sunday underwater!
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