The decisions taken by ministries such as the Economic Development should, logically, take a look at policies designed to anticipate the future. Never want to read instead of bills aimed at away in great haste .
Nevertheless, we proceed in this retort Italy contrary to logic. The choices for the country that will have draw, with the utmost rigor and competence, through the sensitive issue of energy issues.
Now in 2011, Italy would complete an energy policy low cost, without of ideas that take full advantage of what it produces energy without being malicious and harmful. Instead of investing in nuclear
( made perhaps to compensate for the slice of debt purchased by France? , nds), it would seek to discipline in regard to those sources of energy that constantly arise and safe from the planet Earth and the planet Earth itself?
A concrete example is constituted, in detail, from photovoltaics. Linked to the relentless sunlight, photovoltaic technology would provide electricity to almost absolute safety.
Having to rake the bottom of the barrel to find resources to help delay the default value, was willing to go to undermine the long-term qulla vision it should be, always a matter of logic, pin essential to good policy. In this sense, the decree promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development and just recently signed yesterday by President Napolitano puts it, theoretically, kneeling on the renewable energy sector. Called
decree ammazzarinnovabili , casts many shadows on what should be the cornerstones on which to create the future and sustainability.
In detail, I strongly doubted the essential points for the solar policies. According to the words of Valerie Natalizia, Presidente del GIFI ( Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane , nds), le questioni su cui fare luce sono moltissime:
"[...] Tra gli ulteriori punti critici inerenti il Decreto appena emanato mi preme evidenziare con forza il blocco immediato degli ordinativi delle aziende (stimabili in oltre 8 miliardi di euro), il blocco dei contratti in corso (per un valore di circa 20 miliardi di euro) giĆ sospesi e per i quali le aziende dovranno procedere comunque al pagamento dei fornitori, senza ottenere il finanziamento previsto dagli istituti di credito che hanno tempestivamente annullato le delibere di finanziamento, ed infine il fermo degli investitori sia nazionali che internazionali, che ora attendono la pubblicazione the new incentive system.
[...]" The tariff system should also be available from 31 May.
The other risk converges on Article 23 paragraph 1 letter. D) of the draft legislative decree filed.
Watching content, we have that: "[...]
from January 1, 2014 is repealed the energy bill. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister Environment and Protection of the Sea, in consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and the means of prosecution. [...]"
Stop planned incentives are essential to plan a better future, then?
The world is interested in trepidation, even when she got a note of clarification recently by the Minister of Economic Development, Paul Roman: "[...]
Friday, March 11 meet all the stakeholders, and most within a couple of weeks we will give certainty to the sector. And among those involved in because there will be banks, industry players providing funding to producers whose estate pear ', and' related to the level of the incentive. The aim is that producers "our", and not only American funds, can invest. This' said the important thing is that on 30 May and is connected to the network is produced. [...]"
have been estimated, however, appeals to the Tar and authorities having jurisdiction. In parallel to the selling off of the future, are marching to prevent practical implementation of sustainable improvement?
Record the words experts in the field:
" If you fail the certainty of the incentive becomes more difficult to continue to support families who want to install a photovoltaic system and continue to give credit companies working in the field.
Eticredito to continue its mission to support and promote the renewables sector, but certainly the climate of uncertainty that reigns in these days is a blow to the development of photovoltaic technology in Italy. "
(Massimo Manduchi, digente bank Eticredito )
" Because no one tells the truth?
Why we must pay for waste oil with a case (A3) that should make us independent of the same?
Care banks and expensive oil companies have once again destroyed the noble initiative and profitable source of employment for many Italian, thanks to all of us taxpayers and practitioners and also thanks to this government that wants to change the 'rules during the game,' I hope the voters will be grateful for your indulgence with the 'usual friends', but we will not get involved shut up this time. "
(Luke Still, Head producers Assosolare )
E 'perhaps better than anyone still think the beauty of the sun as the exclusive source for tanning in sunny summer days? Are expected confirmations, explanations or denials.
Read more : Roman-promises-between-two-weeks-the-incentives
Nevertheless, we proceed in this retort Italy contrary to logic. The choices for the country that will have draw, with the utmost rigor and competence, through the sensitive issue of energy issues.
Now in 2011, Italy would complete an energy policy low cost, without of ideas that take full advantage of what it produces energy without being malicious and harmful. Instead of investing in nuclear
( made perhaps to compensate for the slice of debt purchased by France? , nds), it would seek to discipline in regard to those sources of energy that constantly arise and safe from the planet Earth and the planet Earth itself?
A concrete example is constituted, in detail, from photovoltaics. Linked to the relentless sunlight, photovoltaic technology would provide electricity to almost absolute safety.
Having to rake the bottom of the barrel to find resources to help delay the default value, was willing to go to undermine the long-term qulla vision it should be, always a matter of logic, pin essential to good policy. In this sense, the decree promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development and just recently signed yesterday by President Napolitano puts it, theoretically, kneeling on the renewable energy sector. Called
decree ammazzarinnovabili , casts many shadows on what should be the cornerstones on which to create the future and sustainability.
In detail, I strongly doubted the essential points for the solar policies. According to the words of Valerie Natalizia, Presidente del GIFI ( Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane , nds), le questioni su cui fare luce sono moltissime:
"[...] Tra gli ulteriori punti critici inerenti il Decreto appena emanato mi preme evidenziare con forza il blocco immediato degli ordinativi delle aziende (stimabili in oltre 8 miliardi di euro), il blocco dei contratti in corso (per un valore di circa 20 miliardi di euro) giĆ sospesi e per i quali le aziende dovranno procedere comunque al pagamento dei fornitori, senza ottenere il finanziamento previsto dagli istituti di credito che hanno tempestivamente annullato le delibere di finanziamento, ed infine il fermo degli investitori sia nazionali che internazionali, che ora attendono la pubblicazione the new incentive system.
[...]" The tariff system should also be available from 31 May.
The other risk converges on Article 23 paragraph 1 letter. D) of the draft legislative decree filed.
Watching content, we have that: "[...]
from January 1, 2014 is repealed the energy bill. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister Environment and Protection of the Sea, in consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and the means of prosecution. [...]"
Stop planned incentives are essential to plan a better future, then?
The world is interested in trepidation, even when she got a note of clarification recently by the Minister of Economic Development, Paul Roman: "[...]
Friday, March 11 meet all the stakeholders, and most within a couple of weeks we will give certainty to the sector. And among those involved in because there will be banks, industry players providing funding to producers whose estate pear ', and' related to the level of the incentive. The aim is that producers "our", and not only American funds, can invest. This' said the important thing is that on 30 May and is connected to the network is produced. [...]"
have been estimated, however, appeals to the Tar and authorities having jurisdiction. In parallel to the selling off of the future, are marching to prevent practical implementation of sustainable improvement?
Record the words experts in the field:
" If you fail the certainty of the incentive becomes more difficult to continue to support families who want to install a photovoltaic system and continue to give credit companies working in the field.
Eticredito to continue its mission to support and promote the renewables sector, but certainly the climate of uncertainty that reigns in these days is a blow to the development of photovoltaic technology in Italy. "
(Massimo Manduchi, digente bank Eticredito )
" Because no one tells the truth?
Why we must pay for waste oil with a case (A3) that should make us independent of the same?
Care banks and expensive oil companies have once again destroyed the noble initiative and profitable source of employment for many Italian, thanks to all of us taxpayers and practitioners and also thanks to this government that wants to change the 'rules during the game,' I hope the voters will be grateful for your indulgence with the 'usual friends', but we will not get involved shut up this time. "
(Luke Still, Head producers Assosolare )
E 'perhaps better than anyone still think the beauty of the sun as the exclusive source for tanning in sunny summer days? Are expected confirmations, explanations or denials.
Read more : Roman-promises-between-two-weeks-the-incentives
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