The conference
"Optimism digital, how innovation can help revitalize small and medium enterprises" , organized by SS & C in collaboration with CONFAPI, be held on April 7, 2011 in the Conference Room of Villa Recalcati in Varese . The digital world is conquering the global economy (and these days the news that the number of people connected in the world has surpassed the 2 billion) but very often SMEs, spearhead of the national economy, they can not tune with the potential of new tools. On this occasion will be the theme of change and the digital option tailored to small and medium company, analyzing the various aspects beyond the false hopes and attitudes to fashion. An experiential course weblog SMEs towards the conquest of his own space in the global marketplace through a meeting dedicated to innovation and flexibility in a multimedia. The interventions of the speakers during the day interval with direct evidence of innovation applied in a meeting described as 'Innovative Experience'.
14:00 Registration of participants and welcome
14.30 Welcome and Welcome Remarks
- President of the Province
Mayor of Varese - Varese President Confapi
14:45 Start of construction
digital and back to the roots of Camisani Marco Calzolari.
The software - from word to basic navigation software - are exploited to 34% of their potential: what it costs us this "ignorance"? The old and new technologies allow us to communicate better and save money. Understanding the old and the new digital world without prejudice.
relations and public relations in time of web Fabrizio Bellavista.
in relationship marketing and Relations in New lies the best choice on the part of the new companies that want to emerge in the magma of the market complex. The winning communication passes per l’ascolto e l’analisi delle necessità del cliente, dall’interazione successiva e dall’apertura di canali digitali ‘a due vie’. Case histories e riflessioni.
Non si può non sapere: i fondi per la formazione alla comunicazione di Domenico Calveri.
Metodi, strumenti e buone pratiche per un piano formativo finanziato. Rispondere alla sfida della competizione globale: fare di più con meno. Istruzioni per l’uso nel campo della formazione finanziata.
Innovare per lo sviluppo e innovare nello sviluppo del territorio di Massimiliano Serati.
Creatività e innovazione tecnologica sono leve strategiche per lo sviluppo socio-economico an area ripe, but the government of innovation processes as spatial development in turn requires creativity and conceptual innovation to ensure that technological innovation will produce negative externalities that are not compatible with the objective of sustainable medium to long term. It delineates the space available to develop a mix of virtuoso innovations that opens a door to the application of the model of 3T to the paths of government land.
A communication step by step: Kaizen Communication Giampiero Soru.
In the "slow and continuous improvement" is a recipe suitable communicational society in continual ferment of our day. The 'Kaizen' is a Japanese method of continuous improvement, step by step, which involves the whole company. This is its interpretation in the communication strategy. During the operation will be presented cutting campaigns respective conjugated with traditional media and unconventional media. 17 Hours
interaction with these
14:00 Registration of participants and welcome
14.30 Welcome and Welcome Remarks
- President of the Province
Mayor of Varese - Varese President Confapi
14:45 Start of construction
digital and back to the roots of Camisani Marco Calzolari.
The software - from word to basic navigation software - are exploited to 34% of their potential: what it costs us this "ignorance"? The old and new technologies allow us to communicate better and save money. Understanding the old and the new digital world without prejudice.
relations and public relations in time of web Fabrizio Bellavista.
in relationship marketing and Relations in New lies the best choice on the part of the new companies that want to emerge in the magma of the market complex. The winning communication passes per l’ascolto e l’analisi delle necessità del cliente, dall’interazione successiva e dall’apertura di canali digitali ‘a due vie’. Case histories e riflessioni.
Non si può non sapere: i fondi per la formazione alla comunicazione di Domenico Calveri.
Metodi, strumenti e buone pratiche per un piano formativo finanziato. Rispondere alla sfida della competizione globale: fare di più con meno. Istruzioni per l’uso nel campo della formazione finanziata.
Innovare per lo sviluppo e innovare nello sviluppo del territorio di Massimiliano Serati.
Creatività e innovazione tecnologica sono leve strategiche per lo sviluppo socio-economico an area ripe, but the government of innovation processes as spatial development in turn requires creativity and conceptual innovation to ensure that technological innovation will produce negative externalities that are not compatible with the objective of sustainable medium to long term. It delineates the space available to develop a mix of virtuoso innovations that opens a door to the application of the model of 3T to the paths of government land.
A communication step by step: Kaizen Communication Giampiero Soru.
In the "slow and continuous improvement" is a recipe suitable communicational society in continual ferment of our day. The 'Kaizen' is a Japanese method of continuous improvement, step by step, which involves the whole company. This is its interpretation in the communication strategy. During the operation will be presented cutting campaigns respective conjugated with traditional media and unconventional media. 17 Hours
interaction with these
17.30 Hours Bars
Area "Innovative Experience"
Area "Innovative Experience"
During the afternoon will be on the innovative experiential area, consisting of:
a) Innovation in direct : 20 minutes of experience with digital applications that help effectively and successfully small and medium enterprises (from digital storage systems to the potential of RFID and QR Code)
b) Blogging: Simultaneous interventions of the speakers, a blogger will post their work and share issues by uploading photos and quotes in real time.
a) Innovation in direct : 20 minutes of experience with digital applications that help effectively and successfully small and medium enterprises (from digital storage systems to the potential of RFID and QR Code)
b) Blogging: Simultaneous interventions of the speakers, a blogger will post their work and share issues by uploading photos and quotes in real time.
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