Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Atheros Drivere For Cq 50 -105ee


The Romitino - Pd Quarrata parent, but also provincial council - with a mail Santonuovo and the negative position of the Italian Post Office, had, as they say, its beautiful goose golden eggs: a day in and day out in the newspaper and yes it is good to see how to organize armed resistance against the dismantling of the disaster.
In the history of the past are always right speakers. In fact - just think '- well for nearly 15 years Romitino was within the Board (from parent, in this second edition of Sabry-disaster) and was never heard: Shut up & puce as a' dumb duck. Then suddenly the fate threw the ball, and now no longer to be in the end stage. thou hast taken a liking, as they write somarescamente young people of sms .
understanding that we are on the side of citizens and against the deletion of items Santonuovo, we are obliged to emphasize - as I wrote once old-PCI - which, in twenty years, they came to follow and chase the left (by Sergio Marini Gori), but things do not mègliorano at all, to put it in dialect.
post offices in the territory of Quarrata, everywhere, there were no parking twenty years ago and today things are certainly not change if not worse, but neither the political Romiti he's never noticed, or if they have noticed his comrades of the party or the leader. Programming? Zero, in this respect.
Today Romitino - because it suits his ideas to refresh 75% of the electorate in loco – smuove la montagna del profeta e fa trattare il tema al suo Sindaco (che ora è pronta a tutto e ascolta tutti, dato che s’è resa conto della sua insulsa latitanza per quasi 4 anni) e perfino alle alte sfere del partito, tipo la consigliera Bini, che metterà le firme della gente di Santonuovo sul tavolo di Rossi – che poi le scaricherà nel cestino della carta che ha a fianco della sua scrivania, preso com’è dai problemi della seconda pista di Peretola e degli inceneritori-termovalorizzatori da costruire, che gli interessano molto, ma molto, ma molto molto di più di una posta di periferia.
Romiti, smetti dunque di fare il demagogo prendendo la gente per i fondelli. And sorry, since today is Lent and the ashes are , apologizing to your fellow-brothers for not having done anything in nearly two decades of policy. And if you really need to advertise, why not send the signatures of your voters to the President of the United Nations, after being sent to Napolitano and Ratzinger?
The Quarrata you send to, if not from Santonuovo: because you can always send. The problem, Romiti, is, if anything, to be actually read.

So, do it over, because you've already played enough!

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