Sunday, March 13, 2011

Out Door Lighting Alarm


Di recente – come si può leggere anche su Quarrata/news – il presidente della commissione consiliare affari generali, Luca Marini, ha convocato, per mercoledì 16 marzo alle ore 18, la commissione stessa, per l’esame del bilancio: un atto complesso che richiederebbe molte ore per l’esame e le osservazioni.
Anche noi facciamo parte di questa commissione. E dovremmo essere presenti alle 18, discutere e poi, alle 19, essere presenti al Parco Verde per inaugurare piazza Bronte, strombazzatamente reclamizzata dall’amministrazione e dal Sindaco. Non potrà mancare, a questa cerimonia, Luca Marini, presidente della commissione consiliare, but also the former mayor's brother Stephen, soul and president of Green Park.
After this inauguration, at 21, we should run in the National Mass to hear the band that entertains us at the Night Tricolore, in honor of the unification of Italy.
Cialdi Alessandro (UDC), outraged by these cialtronerie, which are evidence of an unbearable mockery of minorities, has written to all know that will not be doing this to the Board.
President Marini correct then shooting, returning "possibly" the continuation of the discussion to Friday 18.
Note that we are talking about delays to some and not for reference.
is clear that the logic is that of Sabrina, who has always said that the committees serve no purpose except to delay the process of administration is, therefore, for most, an hour or so the comparison is considered a reasonable period of time to consider the entire budget of the Municipality.
take note and at the same time, we express here, all the assurance of our deep outrage at this administration's clumsy and disrespectful of the first and basic rules of democracy and respect of the correctness of the opposition .

It ashamed before all citizenship and voters! It
ashamed before the ceremony - in which he evidently did not believe - for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy!

Click to enlarge.

How Does Braun Self Cleaning Work



Attacking Silvio Berlusconi, who accused him of having obstructed justice reform so far, Gianfranco Fini respond blow for blow.

Interviewed on Sky TG24, the House speaker said that the prime minister "now needs a scapegoat and if it gives me the responsibility for the failure to reform, I'll take it. But the proposed rules - is at pains to point out - were not the public interest. "And the alleged" dictatorship of the judges' leader Fli is in disagreement with the President of the Council.

"I do not think there is in Italy, neither the courts nor the magistrates' precisa.Fini, in fact, to appreciate the text explains the justice reform developed dal governo. «Non è ad personam ed è la ragione per cui io condivido la posizione di chi ha detto in Parlamento, senza pregiudizi, si discuta e vediamo di che cosa si tratta».Per il presidente della Camera infatti «le riforme vanno fatte anche se bisogna capire con quale spirito e bisogna capire cosa si intende quando si dice riformiamo la giustizia».

Anche sulle eventuali modifiche alla Costituzione, il numero uno di Futuro e Libertà appare possibilista. ma il suo avvertimento è chiaro: la Carta non è intangibile, ma non si cambi a colpi di maggioranza.Un passaggio della sua intervista, Fini lo dedica alle spaccature all’interno di Futuro e Libertà. minimizzando.«Ci sono sensibilità diverse - Admits - but I'm passionate about or debate between hawks and doves or the search for compromise at any cost. "

regard to the situation in Libya and Muammar Gaddafi, the President of the Chamber does not mince words: the dictator "is a bloody fool, I refuse to comment on his threats, I only hope that the international community to follow the intentions of the Facts' . 'Certainly there is a risk of severe consequences on migration - the leader of Fli adds - but it would not look at the finger and the moon and not just think about this historical change in the Maghreb countries, comparable to the collapse of the Wall '89 '.

Carrie Underwood Before And After


with melancholy every corner, all that mourn
touch the bottom as the Andrea Doria
who works does not take home, all in their underwear, not those of Borat
The people are alone, then stifles drinks like John Bonham
The junta is deaf as Beethoven when composing the "ninth"
And to think that Dante was a "beautiful country there where the 'yes person'
enough to pay for a diploma, not to the star or icon
or jump into politics with the curriculum taken by Ilona Staller
not even know the coffee more coffee, but he knows coffee Sindona

And then they all go! From there they all go!
not you realize it but they all go from here!
And then they all go! From there they all go!
not you realize it but they all go from here!

Goodbye Melancholy
How have you reduced to this state?
Melancholy Goodbye
you tell me who has been reduced in this
Melancholy Goodbye
How have you reduced to this state?
Melancholy Goodbye
Tell me who you reduced it in that mood

brain drain, capital flight, migrants fleeing from the foreshore
and melancholy, the land of Saints now and leech
The country of the sun, in practice the country today of UVA
not feel the situation is worse than a tuba
And who wants to stay, but how? ! His hands are tied as Andromeda!
Here every relationship is complicated as that of Washington with Tehran
It gets worse with age, you are a moody Gary Coleman
Put the anger in the suitcase and runs away with melancholy

So they all go! From here they go all!
not you realize it but they all go from here!
From here they all go! From there they all go!
not you realize it but they all go from here!

Melancholy Goodbye
How have you reduced to this state?
Melancholy Goodbye
you tell me who has been reduced in this
Melancholy Goodbye
How have you reduced to this state?
Goodbye Malincònia

Dimmi chi ti ha ridotta in questo stato

Goodbye Malincònia

Maybe tomorrow, I hope we find tomorrow

Goodbye Malincònia

Hope did we get here, how did it get this far

Goodbye Malincònia

We had it all, fools we let it slip away

Goodbye Malincònia

Dimmi chi ti ha ridotta in questo stato d’animo

Every step was out of place

and in this world we fell from grace

Looking back we lost our way

an innocent time we all betrayed

And in time can we all learn,

not to crawl away and burn

Stand up and don’t fall down

Be a king for a day,

in man we all pray!

Uuh, we all pray! "

Emergency Extraction Pregnant


Domenica 13 marzo 2011

La nobile amministrazione Sergio Gori, la più attenta a tutto in questi ultimi quasi 10 anni di regolazione oculata della spesa pubblica, dopo avere speso – negli ultimi due anni – quasi un milione di euro solo per la scritta di Nannucci e la fantastica fontana di Buren (se i quattrini sono della Fondazione Caripit, avrebbero potuto comunque essere chiesti per utilità pubblica e non per bischerate pseudoartistiche), in questi giorni si è accorta che anche altre cose vanno fatte, perché quel bad government is worse than the Nazis of Berlusca: Castro everything and everyone.
is why the 60 quarratini Sabrina has picked up and asked to decide on cuts through the grandiose participatory democracy.
Now we get to the place, and so here's the junta that has reduced his cleaver on Quarrata Tell , summer concerts on the magic (it finished the Renaissance Lorenzo Il Magnifico) and on the social -school.
For Quarrata Tell you in a hurry to say which is good, but these savings are not substantial, we understand each other?
is good because what good is a magazine glossy and pretty, printed only for the small photo exhibit of the Executive and Assessorin , and only write on the Hosanna in the highest honor in the administration? That information from a parish magazine of this kind? Rest in peace, then - when someone says that Sabrina killed him not for money but also to remove the page of the opposition, in which various politicians (including us) have always external to the deep disagreement on administrative action of the Mayor .
For schools and services of this kind, however much we skeptical. Also because there is absolutely a real plan for the rationalization and cost savings by the Mayor omnipotent.
The Sabrina took the razor in his hand, he summoned his staff and gave the orders.
The other - and it is not the first time that we say it - say yes, because otherwise fuscia via as Burchietti.
you remember two years ago when, suddenly, Mr. Mayor took an official technical department arrived and Mrs. Paola Battler?
If you do not remember it, I brings to mind us.
The Mayor stated that The Battler was to coordinate all technical aspects of the City. We would have expected more efficiency and less inconsistency between public works and construction. Which, objectively, we believe we have not seen. And if anyone has seen him come forward and tell us.
Well, this lady is costing us more than € 75 thousand a year, but the City continues to be entrusted with tasks as before if not more.
Is something back then.
It was already a considerable savings for not having taken a new official to be able to allocate the money - who knows? - Maybe to remake the way of Montemagno or limit the costs of canteens and school?
Among other things today does not give exemption to those with more powerful cars and boats: and first, instead? Why largheggiava so easily?

But the princess always decide for themselves. And people just need to do so by the court (and often of miracles).

cut a good Sunday!

Click to enlarge.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Melanoma And No Insurance


waves of up to ten meters, shocking intensity of the earthquake that occurred a few kilometers from the surface.
Thinking about a 9 degrees on the Richter scale, it is almost impossible to get an exact idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrogance of such an event, phenomena like these are perfect for Spaceship Earth normal, as generated by phenomena belonging to the unpredictable nature .
Man can only endure them, brandishing the weapon in the fragile hope of winning technology.
In Japan in those moments of fear for new aftershocks added to that derived from the fear of nuclear power plants, a strong risk of breakage or malfunction. The emergency si va allargando a macchia d'olio, in quanto la quantità di moto impressa dalla velocità del sisma alle masse marittime rischia di abbattersi sotto forma di onde inarrestabili sulle coste di tutte quelle terre bagnate dall'Oceano Pacifico.

Rimanendo alle ultime notizie, l'allarme è " circoscritto " ai Paesi seguenti: Russia, Filippine, Indonesia, Papua Nuova Guinea, Australia, Figi, Messico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Cile, Ecuador, Colombia e Perù.

Una nave con a bordo 100 persone è stata investita da uno tsunami, milioni di famiglie sono rimaste senza elettricità.

Nonostante tutto, sembra che lo straordinario evento sia stato managed with an incredible timeliness.
The current count is about " only" 400 deaths, for an event of this magnitude, it is a comforting but never as lucky. He writes of inaccurate figures, which surely will suffer significant increases.
To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of an event of this type, we make a comparison to something that man can know better. Release, an earthquake free huge amount of energy that becomes an immediate and uncontrollable spread of freedom everywhere.
Remaining faithful to the 9th degree of magnitude recorded in the waters near Japan, it would be like to blow a lot of TNT prossima a circa 31,6 miliardi di tonnellate. Si tratta, dunque, di un qualcosa di tremendamente complicato da immaginare.

Al di là di calcoli matematici, se c'è un positivo da cogliere in questa esperienza, è a mio infinitesimo parere costituito dalle straordinarie possibilità date dalla tecnologia.

Progresso scientifico, discipline antisismiche e tecniche ingegneristiche d'avanguardia: sono questi gli ingredienti che possono aiutare l'uomo a sentirsi un pò meno perdente.

Grazie alla gestione dell'emergenza ed a straordinarie tecniche di prevenzione, un evento straordinario è stato gestito in una maniera incredibile. La frequenza di eventi comuni ha un indice periodico pari ad un  terremoto grado 9 ogni 20 anni .

Si tratta di un terremoto epocale, di una portata immane.

Si tratta allo stesso modo di un'altra, ennesima, occasione per capire quanto l'essere umano sia piccolo e minimale rispetto al resto del mondo.

Gli effetti di un sisma di magnitudo 9 sono riassumibili, da tabelle fisico scientifiche, con le seguenti parole:

" Totale allagamento dei territori in questione o spostamento delle terre e numerosissimi morti. Pochi sopravvissuti. "

Viene da piangere a pensare cosa potrebbe accadere se un evento del genere dovesse malauguratamente accadere in Italia; in un Paese disastrato dal dissesto idrogeologico, con larghissima parte di edifici non a norma e con un 70% dei Comuni coinvolti in problemi di natura territoriale, si potrebbero avere milioni di morti.

L'Italia vera dovrebbe pensare a questo, al come ovviare sul lungo termine ad emergenze così prepotenti ed imprevedibili. Fa altrettanto disperare pensare a cosa potrebbe esserne, qui, del rischio nucleare.

La natura, se casualmente sollecitata, non fa attendere la smentita sul suo stato di calma apparente .

Se l'astronave Terra si ribella, per l'uomo sono attese infinite apocalissi.

Geographic Tongue Caused 2009

Riforma della Giustizia: I nostri dubbi nel merito

certainly need to reform a justice slow and often harmful for the country, especially the slowness of civil proceedings that impact very negatively on the crescita economica. E servono molte delle misure previste dal disegno di legge costituzionale, che però è un testo furbo, una cornice che rimanda a successive norme ordinarie di cui oggi non si sa nulla. Siamo d’accordo infatti sulla separazione delle carriere tra pm e giudici, ma il testo del governo enuncia il principio e non dice come sarà fatta questa separazione.

Se l’obiettivo è distaccare il pm dal giudice è giustissimo, se invece qualcuno vuole sottomettere le procure al potere politico noi non possiamo essere d’accordo. L’altro tema importante riguarda l’obbligatorietà dell’azione penale, che è un bel principio di difficile applicazione. Il pm ha sulla scrivania cento fascicoli, ne può portare a termine dieci e alla fine sceglie lui. Va bene quindi fissare dei criteri per dare priorità a questo o quel fascicolo ed evitare eccessi di prescrizioni – così come emerse nella famosa circolare Maddalena -, ma sarebbe un errore cassare il principio. Oggi l’obbligatorietà è un principio costituzionale che il governo vuole derubricare in una norma ordinaria per poi far decidere alla politica quali reati devono essere perseguiti e quali abbandonati.

Questo in Italia è oggettivamente impossibile, anche perché da una legislatura all’altra avremmo ministri con idee diametralmente opposte che sconvolgerebbero di volta in volta il sistema. Un’altra questione è civil liability of the judge. It is right that the judge who is wrong intentionally pay the consequences of his mistakes, but this is already provided today. The city is damaged due to the State if it loses that will rival the magistrate. Be possible to directly bring a civil case the judge is likely to intimidate the latter and its first foreclosed home a judge could play all my colleagues so as not to risk by undermining the reasons for the existence of the Courts. Finally, the release of the police in the investigation by prosecutors. This is a sensitive topic with pros and cons, but we must reflect primarily the risk that the investigation be entrusted to the police detective faces a result that does not belong the history of Italian legal culture. No fear to discuss, then, and also to address constructively the issues at stake, but with great misgivings about these four points, which are poorly reforms could spell the end of the legal tradition of our glorious country.

Italo Bocchino

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Professional Metronome 1.9 Full


Once upon a time

Not so long ago

Tommy used to work on the docks

Union’s been on strike

He’s down on his’s tough, so tough

Gina works the diner all day

Working for her man, she brings home her pay

For love - for love

She says we’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got

’cause it doesn’t make a difference

If we make it or not

We’ve got each other and that’s a lot

For love - we’ll give it a shot


Whooah, we’re half way there

Livin’ on a prayer

Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear

Livin’ on a prayer

Tommy’s got his six string in hock

Now he’s holding in what he used

To make it talk - so tough, it’s tough

Gina dreams of running away

When she cries in the night

Tommy whispers baby it’s okay, someday

We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got

’cause it doesn’t make a difference

If we make it or not

We’ve got each other and that’s a lot

For love - we'll give it a shot Chorus
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's All That You've Got
Chorus. "

" Once Upon a Time
Not long ago

Tommy used to work at the port
The unions are on strike
does not have much luck ... it's hard, so hard
Gina works the diner all day
working for her man, takes home his pay
for love - for love

She says, "we must hold on to what we
because it makes no difference
If we make it or not we
one another and this is very
for love - we will have an opportunity "

Whooah, we're halfway
living on a prayer
take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Living on a prayer

Tommy has pawned his guitar
now is repressing what used
to make it talk - so tough, it is difficult
Gina dreams of running away
when the night crying
Tommy whispers baby everything will be fine, a days

we must cling to what we
because it makes no difference
If we make it or not
we have each other and this is very
for love - we will have an opportunity "

We must not give up or not ready
We live to fight when everything you have. "

Church Welcome Letter To Visitors


It's nice to see that the proposal of his friend Alex Gargini (PDL), the Municipal Council of Serravalle, which appeared a few days ago Blog Quarrata / news found favorable reception by the Cooperative Credit Bank of Vignola - which, however, a little 'sly, pretending to nowhere and claim the birthright of the idea without giving credit to those who really have it.
Congratulations to the top of the bank, active, alert and able to capture the so-called bandwagon .
But at the same time, a nice additional pulled ears of the dear Romitino, which continues to unabashedly ride the tiger of discontent .
Although, as it were, "employee" of the CCB and its in the seat of Santonuovo the Romitino-consigliereprovinciale-capogruppoPD did not think to find alternatives to not stop the Italian Post.
This shows Two things, basically:

1. that the left are unable to find solutions - even the most basic and obvious - for which, however, was enough to Gargini a simple blink
2. that the left are not changed in the post-communism of the Soviet era as the glorious historical memory, to draw a spider hole by moving the entire Moscow Kremlin (Mayor, PD, Caterina Bini, Governor Rossi).

And all this only because if not now when Romiti will be visible to his pack and unaltered inefficiency ten years?

Alessio Gargini Bravo! You gave us a hand once more, to show who the Democratic Party. Thanks again!

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Smelling Moms Nylon Feet


The decisions taken by ministries such as the Economic Development should, logically, take a look at policies designed to anticipate the future. Never want to read instead of bills aimed at away in great haste .
Nevertheless, we proceed in this retort Italy contrary to logic. The choices for the country that will have draw, with the utmost rigor and competence, through the sensitive issue of energy issues.
Now in 2011, Italy would complete an energy policy low cost, without of ideas that take full advantage of what it produces energy without being malicious and harmful. Instead of investing in nuclear
( made perhaps to compensate for the slice of debt purchased by France? , nds), it would seek to discipline in regard to those sources of energy that constantly arise and safe from the planet Earth and the planet Earth itself?
A concrete example is constituted, in detail, from photovoltaics. Linked to the relentless sunlight, photovoltaic technology would provide electricity to almost absolute safety.
Having to rake the bottom of the barrel to find resources to help delay the default value, was willing to go to undermine the long-term qulla vision it should be, always a matter of logic, pin essential to good policy. In this sense, the decree promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development and just recently signed yesterday by President Napolitano puts it, theoretically, kneeling on the renewable energy sector. Called
decree ammazzarinnovabili , casts many shadows on what should be the cornerstones on which to create the future and sustainability.
In detail, I strongly doubted the essential points for the solar policies. According to the words of Valerie Natalizia, Presidente del GIFI ( Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane , nds), le questioni su cui fare luce sono moltissime:

"[...] Tra gli ulteriori punti critici inerenti il Decreto appena emanato mi preme evidenziare con forza il blocco immediato degli ordinativi delle aziende (stimabili in oltre 8 miliardi di euro), il blocco dei contratti in corso (per un valore di circa 20 miliardi di euro) già sospesi e per i quali le aziende dovranno procedere comunque al pagamento dei fornitori, senza ottenere il finanziamento previsto dagli istituti di credito che hanno tempestivamente annullato le delibere di finanziamento, ed infine il fermo degli investitori sia nazionali che internazionali, che ora attendono la pubblicazione the new incentive system.
[...]" The tariff system should also be available from 31 May.
The other risk converges on Article 23 paragraph 1 letter. D) of the draft legislative decree filed.
Watching content, we have that: "[...]
from January 1, 2014 is repealed the energy bill. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister Environment and Protection of the Sea, in consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and the means of prosecution. [...]"
Stop planned incentives are essential to plan a better future, then?
The world is interested in trepidation, even when she got a note of clarification recently by the Minister of Economic Development, Paul Roman: "[...]
Friday, March 11 meet all the stakeholders, and most within a couple of weeks we will give certainty to the sector. And among those involved in because there will be banks, industry players providing funding to producers whose estate pear ', and' related to the level of the incentive. The aim is that producers "our", and not only American funds, can invest. This' said the important thing is that on 30 May and is connected to the network is produced. [...]"
have been estimated, however, appeals to the Tar and authorities having jurisdiction. In parallel to the selling off of the future, are marching to prevent practical implementation of sustainable improvement?
Record the words experts in the field:
" If you fail the certainty of the incentive becomes more difficult to continue to support families who want to install a photovoltaic system and continue to give credit companies working in the field.
Eticredito to continue its mission to support and promote the renewables sector, but certainly the climate of uncertainty that reigns in these days is a blow to the development of photovoltaic technology in Italy. "
(Massimo Manduchi, digente bank Eticredito )
" Because no one tells the truth?
Why we must pay for waste oil with a case (A3) that should make us independent of the same?
Care banks and expensive oil companies have once again destroyed the noble initiative and profitable source of employment for many Italian, thanks to all of us taxpayers and practitioners and also thanks to this government that wants to change the 'rules during the game,' I hope the voters will be grateful for your indulgence with the 'usual friends', but we will not get involved shut up this time. "
(Luke Still, Head producers Assosolare )
E 'perhaps better than anyone still think the beauty of the sun as the exclusive source for tanning in sunny summer days? Are expected confirmations, explanations or denials.
Read more : Roman-promises-between-two-weeks-the-incentives

pannelli 280

Coupe November Milena

The conference program SS & C "Optimism digital, how innovation can help revitalize small and medium enterprises"

The conference
"Optimism digital, how innovation can help revitalize small and medium enterprises" , organized by SS & C in collaboration with CONFAPI, be held on April 7, 2011 in the Conference Room of Villa Recalcati in Varese . The digital world is conquering the global economy (and these days the news that the number of people connected in the world has surpassed the 2 billion) but very often SMEs, spearhead of the national economy, they can not tune with the potential of new tools. On this occasion will be the theme of change and the digital option tailored to small and medium company, analyzing the various aspects beyond the false hopes and attitudes to fashion. An experiential course weblog SMEs towards the conquest of his own space in the global marketplace through a meeting dedicated to innovation and flexibility in a multimedia. The interventions of the speakers during the day interval with direct evidence of innovation applied in a meeting described as 'Innovative Experience'.

14:00 Registration of participants and welcome
14.30 Welcome and Welcome Remarks
- President of the Province
Mayor of Varese - Varese President Confapi
14:45 Start of construction

digital and back to the roots of Camisani Marco Calzolari.
The software - from word to basic navigation software - are exploited to 34% of their potential: what it costs us this "ignorance"? The old and new technologies allow us to communicate better and save money. Understanding the old and the new digital world without prejudice.

relations and public relations in time of web Fabrizio Bellavista.
in relationship marketing and Relations in New lies the best choice on the part of the new companies that want to emerge in the magma of the market complex. The winning communication passes per l’ascolto e l’analisi delle necessità del cliente, dall’interazione successiva e dall’apertura di canali digitali ‘a due vie’. Case histories e riflessioni.

Non si può non sapere: i fondi per la formazione alla comunicazione di Domenico Calveri.
Metodi, strumenti e buone pratiche per un piano formativo finanziato. Rispondere alla sfida della competizione globale: fare di più con meno. Istruzioni per l’uso nel campo della formazione finanziata.

Innovare per lo sviluppo e innovare nello sviluppo del territorio di Massimiliano Serati.
Creatività e innovazione tecnologica sono leve strategiche per lo sviluppo socio-economico an area ripe, but the government of innovation processes as spatial development in turn requires creativity and conceptual innovation to ensure that technological innovation will produce negative externalities that are not compatible with the objective of sustainable medium to long term. It delineates the space available to develop a mix of virtuoso innovations that opens a door to the application of the model of 3T to the paths of government land.

A communication step by step: Kaizen Communication Giampiero Soru.
In the "slow and continuous improvement" is a recipe suitable communicational society in continual ferment of our day. The 'Kaizen' is a Japanese method of continuous improvement, step by step, which involves the whole company. This is its interpretation in the communication strategy. During the operation will be presented cutting campaigns respective conjugated with traditional media and unconventional media. 17 Hours

interaction with these
17.30 Hours Bars

Area "Innovative Experience"
During the afternoon will be on the innovative experiential area, consisting of:
a) Innovation in direct : 20 minutes of experience with digital applications that help effectively and successfully small and medium enterprises (from digital storage systems to the potential of RFID and QR Code)
b) Blogging: Simultaneous interventions of the speakers, a blogger will post their work and share issues by uploading photos and quotes in real time.

Atheros Drivere For Cq 50 -105ee


The Romitino - Pd Quarrata parent, but also provincial council - with a mail Santonuovo and the negative position of the Italian Post Office, had, as they say, its beautiful goose golden eggs: a day in and day out in the newspaper and yes it is good to see how to organize armed resistance against the dismantling of the disaster.
In the history of the past are always right speakers. In fact - just think '- well for nearly 15 years Romitino was within the Board (from parent, in this second edition of Sabry-disaster) and was never heard: Shut up & puce as a' dumb duck. Then suddenly the fate threw the ball, and now no longer to be in the end stage. thou hast taken a liking, as they write somarescamente young people of sms .
understanding that we are on the side of citizens and against the deletion of items Santonuovo, we are obliged to emphasize - as I wrote once old-PCI - which, in twenty years, they came to follow and chase the left (by Sergio Marini Gori), but things do not mègliorano at all, to put it in dialect.
post offices in the territory of Quarrata, everywhere, there were no parking twenty years ago and today things are certainly not change if not worse, but neither the political Romiti he's never noticed, or if they have noticed his comrades of the party or the leader. Programming? Zero, in this respect.
Today Romitino - because it suits his ideas to refresh 75% of the electorate in loco – smuove la montagna del profeta e fa trattare il tema al suo Sindaco (che ora è pronta a tutto e ascolta tutti, dato che s’è resa conto della sua insulsa latitanza per quasi 4 anni) e perfino alle alte sfere del partito, tipo la consigliera Bini, che metterà le firme della gente di Santonuovo sul tavolo di Rossi – che poi le scaricherà nel cestino della carta che ha a fianco della sua scrivania, preso com’è dai problemi della seconda pista di Peretola e degli inceneritori-termovalorizzatori da costruire, che gli interessano molto, ma molto, ma molto molto di più di una posta di periferia.
Romiti, smetti dunque di fare il demagogo prendendo la gente per i fondelli. And sorry, since today is Lent and the ashes are , apologizing to your fellow-brothers for not having done anything in nearly two decades of policy. And if you really need to advertise, why not send the signatures of your voters to the President of the United Nations, after being sent to Napolitano and Ratzinger?
The Quarrata you send to, if not from Santonuovo: because you can always send. The problem, Romiti, is, if anything, to be actually read.

So, do it over, because you've already played enough!

Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Best Antidepressant Of 2009


In an Italy decadent, the cry of so many " If not now, when? " color day and try to give specific weight to a country destroyed. So as it is impossible to find confidence in a political rough at the same time you can move a message full of hope on a day that, even rhetorically, to be different.
Fighting the winds of everyday mediocrity, you find that have to be rehabilitated in these days is the figure of the male.
In a corrupt society from a perspective that is macho and sexist, for too long, move undisturbed place statistics are overwhelmingly able to slam into the face some hard truth that we often pretend not to know:
  • 60.1% Italian graduates are women, being able to finish their studies in spite of males over laggards;
  • 48.6% rate of inactivity of the Italian women, strengthened by 10% of female unemployment persistent
  • a measly 20% of managers are women with leadership potential;
  • employment rate for women without children, in range 25-64 years, amounts to 63.9% (EU average 75.8%).
Beyond the obvious and too easy for political exploitation, it is essential to give some strong sign before the inevitable abyss. What would have happened if women had had more influence and opportunity in the world?
would change something faster? Staremmo forse un pò meglio di come stiamo ora?

Esisterebbe il detto " si stava meglio quando si stava peggio " o potremmo dire " scopriremo di stare ancora meglio guardando avanti "?

Le donne, nonostante ogni pronostico, sono sempre pronte a combattere contro quel vento di mediocrità sopra descritto. L'uomo pensa a fare la guerra, a laurearsi in ritardo od a denunciare prostituzione di cui egli stesso è spesso parte integrante.

Se il sistema è malato terminale, forse è per larga parte colpa nostra. Nonostante tutto, le donne rimangono vicino a noi per reclamare spazio. Non hanno bisogno di voci, in quanto ne possiedono moltissime e bellissime.

Il mondo andrà forse meglio quando vedremo una " Festa dell'uomo " sostituirsi alle troppe " Feste della donna " celebrate e ritualizzate senza alcun gesto concreto? Grazie alle sole celebrazioni, l'Italia è disastrata dal punto di vista dell'emancipazione femminile, qualora ci sia ancora bisogno al 2011 di invocare l'assoluta necessità di " Pari Opportunità ":

  • 87esimo posto nel mondo per la partecipazione al lavoro retribuito;

  • 121esimi per quanto riguarda forme di eguaglianza retributiva;

  • 97simo per la presenza n posti di responsabilità amministrativa e di comando;

  • 74esimo nel trattamento women in general.
The report taken by the World Economic Forum is merciless, even in the judgments:
" Italy continues to be one of the countries ranked worse and his situation has deteriorated over the past two years ."
If there is a problem in the real philosophical theory of the uncaused cause not hold.
If a solution exists, that remedy must be sought quickly.
background you may pay a price too precise: the total disintegration of the world to be delivered to those who come after us. Psiconani and delusional politicians aside, it is always the best time to reiterate the need to improve this terrible status quo. Relying more women may be one of the best ways to try to straighten the rudder.
After all, there will be because if you are still here with us to scream, to beg for more space, respect and consideration. While " behind every man there is always a great woman , engineering and philosophically correct to say that" behind every human male there is always a great feminine humanity. "
convictions would serve to recognize the man made colossal mistakes, to balance awareness in the midst of this wind of mediocrity so overwhelming. Throughout
the time that remains, along with beautiful bodies with sublime minds to resist.
To return to the better world, even true love decorating: "[...] for this respectful men, those who treat women as they themselves want to be treated, must be heard incessantly to avoid being confused with others: those who still have not realized nor the size of their crime, nor become as dirty ignore that women are not things and have full rights: [...] equal before the law, equal in rights and duties, both at home and at work and in the common government of society.
[...]" (fragment by letter Pilar Del Rio Saramago, wife of the late writer Jose Saramago )
Ravings of a madman? To them is given the following sentence:
" Everything that was written by men against women must be considered suspect because they are at once judges and parties. " (Immanuel Kant)
Signed, a judge -party.
(The best part possible, nds)

Pledging A Graduate Chapter

Giampiero Soru: The communication step by step

Giampiero Soru, President of SS & C, answers the question: What does a communication step by step? The agency recalled the meeting with the conference "Optimism Digital, how innovation can help revitalize small and medium enterprises." April 7, 2011, Varese. The conference organized by SS & C in collaborazione con CONFAPI -- Associazione delle Piccole e Medie Industrie della Provincia di Varese, rappresenta un'occasione di importanza strategica sul fronte delle opportunità e dei nuovi scenari. Mai come questa volta lo spessore e la composizione degli oratori permetterà di affrontare il tema senza falsi miti o atteggiamenti alla moda per focalizzare solo quegli aspetti del digital world a portata delle PMI.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Autocad Sand Rail Drawing


This morning it seems useful to bring directly to post the two comments that have appeared on our work last Sunday about the overflow of Querciola after the meeting, Caserana, administration and Mari with the locals.
Here they are:

1. Anonymous said ... - ... Luckily today it's sunny. How
hope that continues for years to assist us good luck ol'Onnipotente.
When things start evil, misunderstanding, misunderstandings, things said and unsaid, rebound games for skills, lack of clarity about the real willingness to do (or, as you'd think, given the results) will not do, it is difficult to expect a good job.
Who says that the government lacks the resources, I would ask what they think when they are available for years, and over the years are evaporating ... I read that those of Querciola are no longer sufficient.
wait a little longer ', with patience, that after all the years go by ... pass ... pass
March 6, 2011 - 11:10.

2. Anonymous said ... - Why no one says it like it is? It's like this: Councillor Hydraulic risk, it is no accident, and Dali, who lives at Caserana. He knows that his predecessor Meoni did not want the case to the expansion Caserana and even he does not want it but are forced by the party to get it done, because it serves to Olmi and Casini (even if their casinos, right, could also drowning). What can they do, then? facade to be seen consenting to the counter and behind the back (the face of Manetti) work because they do not face. And so it was. But it seems normal that Dali did not know the house and mandrač (or whatever it's called)? Of course he knew, but it suited him to look the other way to waste time! Both projects are not constant thing! And to keep Olmi water. The Gaiffi, Orestes and other committee Caserana, is that since 2006 wrote that the case did not go so well! have been noticed on Christmas Eve 2010! Dear quarratini, these are the directors who have voted, keep it tight!
March 6, 2011 - 14:57.

are two actions which can not pass over in silence because it is really incredible that Dali did not know and had not noticed anything.
Now the people of the Plains have to wait another three years to have the overflow: and only the best and if there will be delays.
Meanwhile, it is said (and even credible) that the intervention of Querciola not work unless you also create boxes upstream expansion in the territory of Pistoia, to capture water before it enters the lands of the Ombrone Quarrata.
All together, this is another chapter of the responsibilities of the board Sergio Gori, which has Quarrata only the perception of magic square kilometer of the center and the legality of the meeting.

the face of those who each year are under water.

Click to enlarge.

How Do You Get Chicken Game On Poptropica


" If you ask me about art probably citeresti tutti i libri di arte mai scritti.


Sai tante cose su di lui: le sue opere, le aspirazioni politiche, lui e il papa, le sue tendenze sessuali; tutto quanto vero?

Ma scommetto che non sai dirmi che odore c'è nella Cappella Sistina.

Non sei mai stato lì con la testa rivolta verso quel bellissimo soffitto...mai visto.

Se ti chiedessi sulle donne, probabilmente mi faresti un compendio sulle tue preferenze, potrai perfino aver scopato qualche volta ma non sai dirmi che cosa si prova a risvegliarsi accanto a una donna e sentirsi veramente felici.
You are a tough.
And if I asked you about war Shakespeare probably throw me in the face eh?
once again into the breach dear friends?
But you've never touched one.
You've never held his head in the lap of your best friend saw him last breath while his eyes asking aiuto.Se I asked you about love I'd say probably a sonnet.
But looking at a woman you've never been totally vulnerable.
I do not know one that you lifted your eyes, feeling that God He sent an angel on earth just for you, to save you from the depths of hell.
do not know what it feels like to be her angel, to have so much love for her, beside her forever, in every circumstance, including cancer.
do not know how it feels to sleep on a chair in the hospital for two months holding her hand, because the doctors see in your eyes that the term "visiting hours" do not apply to you.
do not know what the real loss, because, this only occurs when you love something more than yourself, I doubt you have ever dared to love someone so much.
I look at you, e non vedo un uomo intelligente, sicuro di sé, vedo un bulletto che si caga sotto dalla paura.

Ma, sei un genio Will, chi lo nega questo.

Nessuno può comprendere ciò che hai nel profondo.

Ma tu hai la pretesa di sapere tutto di me perché hai visto un mio dipinto e hai fatto a pezzi la mia vita del cazzo?

Sei orfano giusto? Credi che io riesca a inquadrare quanto sia stata difficile la tua vita, cosa provi, chi sei, perché ho letto Oliver Twist?

Basta questo ad incasellarti?

Personalmente, me ne strafrego of all this, because you know what, there's nothing I can learn from you not read in some fucking book.
Unless you do not want to talk to you. Who you are.
Then it fascinates me. I'm there.
But you do not want true champion?
're terrified by what you say, you move the Cape . "

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Does Seancody Work


that Italy was a country with an eye to the past, we already knew.
that Italy was a country prey to lobbying barons and logical-Masonic applicate alla politica, già si sospettava.

I recenti dati divulgati dalle fonti universitarie confermano che anche l'Università stessa non smentisce le logiche del Paese nel quale si ritrova immersa.

Inquadrando il problema non solo dal punto di vista dei fuoricorso e delle lauree che da triennali e biennali si dilatano temporalmente abbracciando durate medie anche superiori ( giustamente , nds) al lustro, il popolo universitario dei docenti si conferma ampliamente al passo con le tendenzialità.

I docenti si attardano sulle cattedre, non volendo mollare l'osso, costringendo le nuove generazioni a farsi da parte sotto l'ombra di tutoraggi e perenne precariato. I professori italiani sono mediamente i più anziani d'Europa, dal momento che solo un misero 16% ha in media meno di quarant'anni . Stando ai dati diffusi dall'Osservatorio su " Gli italiani, la scienza e le tecnologie digitali " contenute nella nuova edizione dell' Annuario Scienza e Società 2011 , i docenti con più di 50 anni raggiungono percentuali prossime al 55% del totale. Questo dato avrebbe, a detta degli esperti, influenza sull'approccio che il mondo universitario realizza nei confronti di tematiche all'avanguardia come innovazione e ricerca.

Rimangono stime e valutazioni di massima: da qualsiasi punto di vista la si guardi, infatti, rimangono comunque dentro il sistema universitario eccelse realtà che riescono ancora a non farci sprofondare completamente.

Il rischio più grande riguarda il rischio di scoraggiamento delle nuove generazioni: in un Paese normale Università e ricerca dovrebbero essere, infatti, traino per dar forza e vigore al sistema intero.

I dati sulla potenziale occupabilità degli appassionati di scienza ci collocano agli ultimi posti, sia per realtà che per credibilità della questione ( 47% contro il 73% raggiunto dalla Svezia).

Il quadro generale muove risultati ancora più negativi nei confronti del numero medio di ricercatori sul totale degli occupati: nell'Italia si arriva ad una media di 4 ricercatori ogni mille occupati.

In questo quadro many other countries already ensure eat over your head: in fact the EU average stands at a value of about 7 per thousand, with peaks as high as that in Finland the limit of 16. Despite the short
staff, and those describing the Italian research succeeds more than any other to have access to loan funds non-Italians, on balance, with great surprise, Italy is among the countries that may be more successful to access the funds made available by the 'European Research Council .
the background, far left policies and reforms made to dismantle even these spearheads.

Read more:

Kalo Hair Inhibitor Cancer


10. CASH QUERCIOLA: From Here To Eternity
Sunday, March 6, 2011

To read what he wrote yesterday on Giancarlo Zamponi Nation, the sponge falls hand, because, for work already required and funded until 2006, we pass today , a reference to 8 years, with the latest news flow from Caserana Mauro Mari: the commissioner has in fact said that after the uncertainty about the work, due to the project tavolinesco Ombrone Consortium, which did not notice the presence of a home within the perimeter of the reservoir, now it will take another three years of the project and several hundred thousand euro in funding since the money that there were five years ago, more than € 3 million, not enough.
Caserana No matter that no one has lost patience and that there has been what some might expect, this is an assault on the caravan politicians - who, moreover, seen up close as well, showed only a thing: a substantial inability to pursue the problems of people to give not only the right answers, but most effective and decisive.
does not matter because the calm is no more sign of detente between citizens and public authorities, but - we're more than convinced, of course - is a sign, much more obvious and concrete, rassegnazione e sfiducia nei confronti di una classe politico-amministrativa che sa fare bene solo una cosa: apparire, mostrarsi, reclamizzarsi per poi scomparire di fatto dinanzi alle difficoltà che ogni giorno si incontrano concretamente nell’amministrazione della cosa pubblica.
Che un’opera che potrebbe rassicurare la piana debba, in buona sostanza, slittare di 8 anni dalla sua iniziale partenza, e che si debba sentir dire all’Assessore Mari – quarratino, per giunta – che lui queste cose le sta maneggiando solo da appena un anno e mezzo perché prima non c’era , non tranquillizza affatto: perché è segnale certo, a nostro giudizio, del fatto che c’è always an excuse and a loophole to dismiss their responsibilities and put their conscience at the shelter.
Mari Help yourself Ombrone Consortium, which made the mess he has committed.
But let us also say that profess always in perfect order, case, pure and innocent and never recognize their own limits (and this limits skipped there are more than one: by the Province to common) or just a mistake, is the element that sets the perfect image and calligraphic our political right and left of center.

They're just a nice flock of peacocks that make the wheel.

Good Sunday underwater!

Click to enlarge.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Smelly Urine Apple Juice


" The Italian government, to 'the European Union, the Secretary General of 'UN: international appeal

witnessing with dismay and indignation to the ongoing massacre of innocent civilians by mercenary troops in the service of the dictatorship of Gaddafi. But the mass executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and mutilation inflicted on anyone dare to oppose the regime that dominates Libya illegally should not go unpunished.
mercenary forces that are operating in Libya be stopped, and the recurrence of such crimes must be prevented. We ask you to do everything possible because any violation of the UN Convention against mercenaries and mercenary is found and punished.
That convention came into force in 2001, but has many weaknesses and was not adopted by the countries from which the main mercenary. The atrocities committed in Libya, on the other seems to claim the 'adoption of a more radical and effective legal instrument against the scourge of mercenary forces. Mercenary activities are a threat to international peace and security of us all, and should be regarded as genocide, piracy and mass murderers, that is, crimes against humanity. The mercenaries should be prohibited in all its manifestations, and especially when it masquerades under the guise of so-called "private military and security companies" operating in Libya, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq and other theaters of conflict, where there are distinguishing for cruelty, lack of control and massive violation of civil and military penal codes. We ask that you strongly, therefore, to strive for creating a new international convention to:
1) prohibit and punish with the utmost severity who recruits, organizes, uses, trained and financed mercenaries all over the planet;
2) prohibits strictly states to delegate or subcontract its responsibilities to private in terms of security and the monopoly of physical violence;
3) obligations on States Parties to ban any foreign military activity undertaken by their companies and citizens, and the recruitment the latter by mercenary companies;
4) provides for the implementation of appropriate programs of assistance for victims of trafficking and mercenary criminals connected to it. "

FROM: http: / /

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Say For Congra To Marriage Person



I would never have wanted to intervene in debates between former MSI affecting the political and cultural heritage theme of the '70s and '80s.

I have always maintained a low profile is out of respect for those who are no more but above all let go because the stiff neck and delve into the past to justify the decisions of today do not fall under the categories of my thinking.

Who knows my political history in the MSI and then An is well aware that I have always been secular, liberal and seems like my friend Benedetto Della Vedova, a "Calvinist" with regard to the relationship between ethics and politics while having a libertarian position than the private lives of citizens.

I continued to rest yesterday at the conference if the new association of veterans called MSI Rivolta Ideal had not been mentioned, e in qualche modo accostato a quel parterre, quello che io considero un mio “maestro”, Beppe Niccolai.

Un uomo tanto amato dal sottoscritto quanto deriso e denigrato da buona parte dei coofondatari della nuova associazione come Maurizio Gasparri e il senatore Domenico Gramazio, ricordato negli annali del Senato della Repubblica unicamente per aver pasteggiato con champagne e mortadella quando Prodi fu sfiduciato nel 2008.

Niccolai era esattamente l’antitesi di questi esponenti politici, era un ex parlamentare - ebbe, forse unico, la capacità di ritirarsi dopo due legislature - che viaggiava in lungo e largo l’Italia sempre in seconda classe, presentandosi con abiti che avrebbero fatto inorridire Knight was so simple and cheap.

Beppe was a political leader who had distinguished himself in Anti-Mafia Commission for its legal battle in favor of and against the mafia and political relations, certainly would not have voted on the PDL case Cosentino.

Beppe was a venture that used in the cultural field also looking to the left, and not coincidentally was the first, looking at the experience craxiana, spoke of "socialism with tricolor" and tried to convince a hesitant Msi modernizing the open phase in Italy by the socialist leader was also one of our battle.

Beppe would thank the Century of Italy in recent years, some 'provocative and a little 'future, the cultural debate that has been able to raise and would have abhorred any attempt at standardization of this daily even when they had fully shared ideas.

Just so I tried to do in these three years, when administrator was not always in tune with what you wrote, but in the spirit niccolaiano the reasons I did prevail in the debate and exchange of ideas with those of conformism political line.

I was very young when national leader of FDG in splendid isolation, with very few friends - and I among many young Gianni Alemanno, then sucked from other logical correntizie, Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, now poet Berlusconi's new course, but also and above all Umberto Nanni Croppi and Peppe, who were with Beppe the drafters of the document, and then Fabio Granata and Carmelo Briguglio - signed the motion, "Signs of Life" in the Congress of the MSI 1984.

We few, we all watched with admiration (and remember the friend and the late Nicola Pasetto, who signed for realpoltik but did sign some of his friends in Verona), but few, very few indeed, had the courage to follow that visionary Beppe.Eppure we were an example to many, the act revived a dormant party even though many of us meant for immediate isolation: the rautiani looked at us with suspicion and fear because we were going to undermine their opponents comfortable role of historians and almirantiani us accused of being traitors.

Politically he paid the price but I received in return only the friendship of a person who was able to give me an address in terms of values \u200b\u200bthat I have always followed in subsequent years and I'm proud of.

After "Signs of Life" we were the first clearance craxi against us, then there was the experience of proposal that Italy was the cradle of the future An ideological, and then gradually, until you get to oggi.La community human MSI Gramazio represented in the conference, then out of power and absolute opponent of party politics, lawlessness widespread, as an expression of politics today is largely absent on these issues: it is no longer in power and out has "changed the bench."

I would not ever want to talk, and maybe a few have understood, but the diaspora of our world has led to human tears which would have been more appropriate to leave the intimacy of each one of us. But Beppe

should not touch it, he had to leave the stare.Pensare Beppe Niccolai and watch Silvio Berlusconi makes you understand why I have no doubt today, I have no doubt on the motivations that led me in Fli. But I do not even want to exploit the memory.

Leave him alone Beppe: from there looks at us and laugh with his humor Tuscan also clumsy attempt of this association of veterans of MSI in it enter their pantheon: Beppe did not like the Pantheon, his thinking and its values \u200b\u200bare alive in all of us.

The Pantheon is a monument, Niccolai never wanted to be.

Enzo Raisi

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The last long

And the last long there we are taken home, wrapped and placed on file. Now I squatted down mentally at the thought that what could and should do for the marathon of Treviso has been done and now you just have to better manage these last three weeks, and then strut to play in the land of Prosecco. The alarm clock schedules
fatdaddici (3h 45 ') does not scare me that much, I smile at the thought that if I want to run the first leg of the relay LUT (starting at midnight) I do not scare me to start racing at 4 (after all, it's not the first time): I am motivated, physically very tired from the very busy work week, but la testa fa il suo sporco dovere e mi porto a casa 31k abbastanza allegri, con l’ultimo chilometro fatto a 4’ 47” in onore a Tergat!

Nel frattempo è stata ufficializzata l’iscrizione alla staffetta LUT: la squadra “Dum spiro spero” di Claudio “Sbarbi” Sabattoli e Marcello “Fatdaddy” Buzio cercherà di non perdersi tra i monti e riuscire a tornare dalle rispettive famiglie il più interi possibile!

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To meet emergency needs and unresolved waste crisis in Campania, the region will find the necessary financial coverage by providing increases in the fees paid for electricity. This
yet another potential hidden tax is one of many variations Milleproroghe budget contained in the decree that the Senate approved on 16 February. Moving quietly one thousand thousand refunds and deferred taxes, were snatched money to the fund for cancer patients and was given royal warrant to get their hands in their pockets to people already slaughtered. On the question
waste, it is sublime review the words by Roberto Saviano wrote in La Repubblica, just three years ago:
" is a territory that does not come out at night. And we do not find solution.
What is happening is serious, because they become extraordinary Rights simpler: have an accessible way, do not breathe air travel, to live an average life expectancy of a European country.
live without having to have the obsession to immigrate to join. [...]
It dies a silent plague that comes in the body where you live and take you to finish in the oncology departments of middle Italy.
The latest figures published by World Health Organization show that the situation in Campania is amazing, talk about a surge in diseases of cancer.
pancreas, lungs, bile ducts of 12% more than the national average.
The medical journal The Lancet Oncology as of September 2004 was about a 24% increase of liver tumors in areas of landfills and women are most affected. It's worth mentioning that the data in high risk areas of northern Italy is an increase of 14%. But perhaps these events take place in another country. Why do those who govern and those who are in opposition, who narrates and discusses who lives in another country. Why
if they lived in the same country would be impossible to notice this only when the streets are full of waste. [...] does not happen in another country that waste is a huge business.
everyone gains: is a resource for business, for politics, for the clans, a resource paid mangled bodies and poisoning the land. They earn collectors: Waste collectors today bells are among the best in Italy and even able to get in touch with the most important groups of waste collection in the world.
[...] What makes this tragic is that these are not the days to be affected, not the streets che oggi solo colpite delle “sacchette” di spazzatura a subire danno.

Sono le nuove generazioni ad essere danneggiate.

Il futuro stesso è compromesso.

Chi nasce neanche potrà più tentare di cambiare quello che chi li ha preceduti non è riuscito a fermare e a mutare.

L’80 per cento delle malformazioni fetali in più rispetto alla media nazionale avvengono in queste terre martoriate. Varrebbe la pena ricordare la lezione di Beowulf, l’eroe epico che strappa le braccia all’Orco che appestava la Danimarca: “il nemico più scaltro non è colui che ti porta via tutto, ma colui che lentamente ti get used to not have anything. "
's right, get used to not having the right to live in their own land, to understand what is going to decide for themselves. Getting used to not have anything .
(Roberto Saviano for "The Republic , Jan. 5, 2008)
The problem, before the political, human and is marked by degeneration in the long term.
future generations will have to suffer the price, when the place of the politicians today will be hung on the chairs already confused between dust and grave.
What is sufficient will stop the problem temporarily taking in extension and on the sly, money citizens already devastated by hallucinatory status quo. In addition, this alarm
the protests made by the leaders of REBA ( European Registry for Environmental Bombs, nds): according to them would be absolutely appalling lack of a valid plan for the integrated treatment of the waste cycle.
remain in fact, head of distribution channels for the disposal, incinerators and incinerators.
allowing them a return energy in the form of electricity, then the procedures for disposal, it is legal to have an economic return from any networking of this energy.
The process of obtaining energy through special operations of pressing and drying waste, it is actually very diseconomies and expensive in relation to the total amount of energy required for the operation of these facilities.
In addition, the energy produced by energy plants is sold to a private cost about three times that normally force the logic of the market. The extra cost
on those blunders cost is paid from the pockets of taxpayers in accordance with requirements that the company gets reimbursement by the state under the act identified as Cip6 . According to estimates by the Energy brought the total cost of this reimbursement occult be estimated in about 1.8 billion euros.
Beyond the numbers, Europe and the relevant committees are pressing more and more to see clear and sharp.
Roberto Saviano has written, " the enemy more cunning is not the one that takes you away everything but the one that you slowly get used to not have anything ."
At this rate, to future people will be taken off life as well.
Faced with this situation, one wonders if the enemy is too smart or is it really time to say " up to us."
Personally, I incline to the latter. For the rest, readers will judge.
Who would deny, of course, welcome and entitled to motivate.

Read more: and-a-land-that-not-will find solutions /