Monday, December 20, 2010

How Much Is Cost An Ultrasound In Php

10 things you want save this

Another year is about to close. Our first year in their thirties. A difficult year of hard work, satisfaction and even disappointments. Meetings and drop-outs. Trains that turn into lost opportunities? A year to forget, someone says. But on closer look, even in your years (Lucy Van Pelt in Peanuts evergreen appropriated for one year, declaring, in a loud voice, "my year") there are things to be saved.

So our call is to find at least 10 things that are just your common with mankind or with all or our country to save.


1. The Nobel Liu Xiaobo
2. The release of Aung San Suu Kyi
3. The withdrawal of troops from Iraq
4. The independence of Kosovo
5. The discovery of Gliese 581g, the planet most like Earth
6. The liberalization of the wi-fi
7. The government crisis
8. My first appearance on TV
9. The new Clio
10. Varese in the series B

1 - friends, always, every year.
2 - the birth of Edward, the second son of my sister.
3 - the melody of the Champions League (excites me every year I save all year =). 4 - my dad after the heart operation.
5 - winning three races in one season by Inter, I want to save in 2010 so you do not see anything like this for the rest of my years.
6 - the tragedy of the Love Parade in Duisburg. As above.
7 - Use your left hand with the iPhone, with the right iPad, while listening to the iPod: pleasure!
8 - my mother elected to City Council.
9 - American breakfast: bacon, sausage, maple syrup, omelets, pancakes and so on and so forth.
10 - the last to leave empty, hoping that something great will happen to me last month.

The release of Aung San Suu Kyi
The release of the miners Chile
Swallows flying around the yellow house in Sardinia
"Come away with me" with Fazio and Saviano
dinners with my friends and their presence
On graduation day in Vanni
dancing to ska concerts with drummer Thomas
Our team in SS & C
My chat with Emma
All the laughter and the tears

1. my degree (ok, short post-diploma)
2. my internship at Feltrinelli
3. my first salary (poor) to Feltrinelli
4. Come away with me and Fazio Saviano
5. 3 days at fantastic Parma to record with my band that breaks everything
6. the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq
7. the release of Aung San Suu Kyi
8. my girlfriend
9. my friends, the usual ones and new ones
10. I love my family very much and hope to begin the new year in the best way

1. My family always makes me feel loved and that is increasingly united.
2. The true friendship of a few good people but, in the eyes of which my flaws become virtues.
3. Having known the legendary "Giadarisi"
4. My first rail in the mountains combined with frontside. Moment of glory! :-)
5. Saving Chilean miners. Hard to explain what I felt when I saw them back in the dark.
6. The moon and stars as a benchmark every time I look at the sky.
7. That night in Spain with my mother when I saw her so happy .. and I wonder if it was for the effects of the second Moijto.
8. The realization that so much .. "I hope that I manage."
9. My 7 kg less .. now I'm back and I do not feel alone anymore.
10. Missing a few days at the end of the year ... and I know that 2011 will be my year. The 11 is my lucky number.

1. A week in Paris, living in a real Parisian apartment next to the Beaubourg
2. My mother comes to live in Varese from Rome
3. Come away with me and Fazio Saviano
4. The film with Elio Germano "Our life"
5. The book "The Art of Joy" Wisdom Goliarda
6. my figlia di 6 anni che perde tre dentini e sembra una streghetta

7. mia figlia di 14 che ama Baricco e gli aforismi di Alda Merini

8. L’addio di Fini a Berlusconi: l’inizio della fine (speriamo)

9. La rivolta degli studenti contro la riforma Gelmini

10. Una speranza: non vedere mai più orrori come Avetrana o la lapidazione (ancora non eseguita per fortuna) di donne come Sakineh.


1. La beffarda notte di capodanno 2010. The year seemed to start from god ...
2. The holiday "Augustine" in Tunisia: 400 meters from the airport and hotel staff did not ambiguous, however, ruined my relaxation.
3. My first holiday "extra-Augustine" persistently scratching his stomach by the pool (damn erythema), while others are hard at work here is priceless.
4. The neighbor upstairs. Probably un'olandese, which bears the typical hoof with a passion for Neapolitan tarantella. He loved to vacuum every morning and every evening. The exception because it taught me patience.
5. The night I closed a hand in the blinds. The exception because it taught me to cry softly.
6. My absolute pallor, even in mid August. (Point-trick recommended by "that fellow")
7. Elisa. So cute and affectionate. Helpful and smiling. Always. (Point-ego encouraged by "this fellow" ... j'adore!)
8. The oven pizzeria located right beneath my ex-bedroom. Constant 25 degrees in winter, fantastic. Constant 37 degrees in summer, tragic.
9. All my feelings, always, e rigorosamente, pochi ma buoni. Se ci sono stati momenti veramente“up” è grazie a loro. Qui occupano casualmente la posizione n.9, in realtà sono in assoluto i primi di tutte le mie liste.

10. E infine Paolo Fox che ha promesso al Toro un 2011 scintillante, sfolgorante e sfavillante; pieno di viaggi, soldi, amore e, soprattutto, rock’n roll. Non mi deludere Paolino, che a illudermi ci hai messo un nanosecondo.

Il mio compagno e Lorenzo che giocano insieme, ridendo come matti, e che mi riempiono il cuore di gioia.
Il 1° compleanno di Lorenzo.
Il 70° compleanno di mia mamma.
The infant massage course.
The first holiday in three.
My dad can finally retire and enjoy his grandchildren.
The passion that my partner had put into her work so hard in a year.
My grandson of 14 years who takes care of Lorenzo ... and I think when I was 14 years ago to take care of him.
The fantastic dinner that my companion had prepared for my birthday.
My cat sleeps on me every night ... even though its 7 kg in weight.

- Come away with me
- the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq
- the rescue of 33 miners from Chile
- I have read and known Tiziano Terzani
- worldwide recognition to Roberto Baggio
- films and songs that moved me


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