Under a hot sun off at 9:35, with my bib number 191 are trapped in the front row not because it's suddenly become a top runner, but for the simple fact that I believe that he was one of the first to register for this competition.
I did pretty well for homework, studying the elevation of the trail for a long time, but I still have not figured out how to deal with this path "treacherous" with a negative slope in the first 21 km and a final ramp that goes back to Cavalese.
In the first 10km I try to measure out the forces without pushing too much, but it is a word with this descent that leads to constant light and feel a Bikila, also because of the feeling of correre nella fresca ombra del bosco; gli intermedi passano con dei tempi che mi sconcertano: 4' 33”, 4'31”, 4'36”...stiamo scherzando?
Passo il 10° Km in 46' 10”, un buon compromesso tra velocità e cautela.
Da Predazzo in poi lo scenario cambia: si corre su un tratto molto più pianeggiante, in mezzo ai prati assolati. La temperatura sale e le gambe si attestano su sensazioni molto più umane: rallento leggermente l'andamento della corsa, restando comunque costante e regolare come un orologio svizzero, anche se ora sento che questo ritmo mi costa più fatica.
Transito alla mezza in 1h 39' 51” ancora discretamente fresco, ben sapendo però che il bello della gara deve yet to arrive on time and shows a few kilometers after the start of the climb to Cavalese are just a few kilometers and the altitude is nothing impossible, but after 22-23 miles on them because they insult them and try to reduce your damage over the pass and when I can also take advantage of the coming down of myself and bullies with a final volatona! I close
satisfied with a "real time garmin" a few seconds under the 2h 05 '...
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