Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Remington Model 870 Modular Combat System

Ouch! Trail of the First

The Trail of Baldo left me a wonderful memory, the desire to repeat the experience of racing in the mountains e. .. a painful injury to his left wrist, when spatasciarmi against rocks with all my weight seemed to be sweet then and there a great idea.
Mano inutilizzabile, pollice che non fa la minima presa, pulsazioni pungenti quando corro: sospetto che dovrò vincere la mia ritrosia e andare a farmi una lastra per vedere cosa ho combinato.
Se non guarisco per tempo sfuma la mia ipotesi di arrivare a Carpi carponi , mi toccherà correre fino al traguardo: carpe diem!
Per fortuna per i miei onanismi mentali l'uso della mano non è richiesta; per quelli non mentali, tranquilli, sono ambidestro!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Shark Evoline Bluetooth


Sotto la doccia calda, in un connubio variegato, scivolano via fango, sudore e stanchezza, lasciando visibili sulla pelle i ricordi di questo mio primo trail: due stinchi graffiati, la parte sinistra del corpo maculata da vari ematomi (ginocchio, gluteo, avambraccio), il polso sinistro gonfio e dolorante...eppure non riesco ancora a togliermi il sorriso dalla bocca.

Ho vissuto una splendida giornata, in scenari da favola che (mea culpa!) non conoscevo, assaggiando scampoli di corsa in montagna in questo mio primo esperimento: già, un esperimento, perché la prima cosa che ho imparato domenica è che trailer non ci si improvvisa, per quanti chilometri tu possa aver macinato sull'asfalto, i primi metri che provi a correre (correre? Su dai, parliamo di camminata svelta!) sulla roccia ti restituiscono l'immagine of a child after a long crawl takes courage and timidly starts to take its first uncertain steps.
A whole other world, a wonderful, another world.

The cable car deposited us at an altitude of 1756m Malcesine and 3 ° C Temperature: last briefing by our guide Alexander usual photos of these 28 pioneers and then finally we leave, the direction of Pozzette Peak (2132m).
The storms of the last three days have left the memory on the slippery rocks, but we were graced by giving a clear day and sunny, as I go up in the stopover a few times to gradually take away the clothes that I was protected from the biting wind, enjoying a view that describe in words is very simplistic to the right lies the vastness of Lake Garda, in all its glory from the tip of Sirmione until the spire of Riva, on my left side of the mountains and the Group of Lessinia Carega ... hard not to be touched!
Proceeding on the crest, alternating ascents to do often with the help of hands, a treacherous downhill between mountain pines whose branches fragrant resinous save us more than once by fall over.
I have no idea what time it is, completely ignoring my rhythm, I left home the Garmin and enjoy the environment without any hassle lap.
Moreover we can not say that I'm running, the roughness of the path I inhibit any ambitions and travel in the only flat I can also stretch slightly in the enterprise to make the most ruinous fall of the race just before the race to lift the right foot slips slightly and crashed into a rock, tipping the scales and making me completely collapse in lion's skin on rocks.
only element to cushion the violent blow my poor left wrist aching from that point and unusable, battered, wounded more physically and honor, I resume the advance stoically: to remain within the 2000-odd, reaching rapidly ( well, quick, well ...) Cima Valdritta succession, Point Harness, Punta Telegraph.
began the descent, including pasture breeding ground for the marmot burrows (Potholes that resemble the rabbit hole) and silent woods; malsegnalato to a fork (or, if not fully reported there was the usual idiot to remove the signs) blatantly wrong way (I'm not the only one!) By increasing the path a bit 'before I realized the error, losing about twenty minutes and abandon my ambition to always be on the podium (forgetting that this time the winners are already on the couch with a cold beer in hand listening to the games on TV ...).
In a pasture where the foals trot freely, guide us about the last diversion, saying that now is missing a half-hour arrival: only now do I find a medium that allows to give birth to my imbranataggine something that looks like a race and so the photographer can also arrive to give the impression that wearing the bib number 1 is really a runner.

I wanted to try a bit of trail running and your emotions make me understand that it will not be my last experience: I have taken the first, timid steps uncertain, realizing that I have so much to learn in this new discipline for me, but running in nature in the mountains gave me something that I can not wait to taste again.
's still bitter, half fledgling, barely stands for the first time on the legs, but I'd say was born a trailer!

A trail should be told first of all with the photos, I hope to bridge that gap soon, for now I give space to the words.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


A marathon ... with a mustache! Running

We will have different physical forms, chronometric disparate objectives, vests polychromatic company or individual, different rhythms and styles of travel, but ... something have in common (I hope !) blogtrotter all attending the Venice Marathon : a pair of mustaches!
Fatcazzata given birth to a full night in seminsonne digestive phase, which has been found enthusiastic support in those I mentioned the proposal ( Yogi and Alvin ).
already anticipate the photograph at the start of what will go down in history as
"a marathon with a mustache"!
What say we were?
I have already chosen the worst version (click on photo to enlarge) : Motorhead life!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Black Bamboo Toilet Seat


The Moena Cavalese is a race that I would recommend to all those who have not yet run, 26km of cycling in the mountains of Val di Fassa very, very beautiful.
Under a hot sun off at 9:35, with my bib number 191 are trapped in the front row not because it's suddenly become a top runner, but for the simple fact that I believe that he was one of the first to register for this competition.
I did pretty well for homework, studying the elevation of the trail for a long time, but I still have not figured out how to deal with this path "treacherous" with a negative slope in the first 21 km and a final ramp that goes back to Cavalese.
In the first 10km I try to measure out the forces without pushing too much, but it is a word with this descent that leads to constant light and feel a Bikila, also because of the feeling of correre nella fresca ombra del bosco; gli intermedi passano con dei tempi che mi sconcertano: 4' 33”, 4'31”, 4'36”...stiamo scherzando?
Passo il 10° Km in 46' 10”, un buon compromesso tra velocità e cautela.
Da Predazzo in poi lo scenario cambia: si corre su un tratto molto più pianeggiante, in mezzo ai prati assolati. La temperatura sale e le gambe si attestano su sensazioni molto più umane: rallento leggermente l'andamento della corsa, restando comunque costante e regolare come un orologio svizzero, anche se ora sento che questo ritmo mi costa più fatica.
Transito alla mezza in 1h 39' 51” ancora discretamente fresco, ben sapendo però che il bello della gara deve yet to arrive on time and shows a few kilometers after the start of the climb to Cavalese are just a few kilometers and the altitude is nothing impossible, but after 22-23 miles on them because they insult them and try to reduce your damage over the pass and when I can also take advantage of the coming down of myself and bullies with a final volatona! I close
satisfied with a "real time garmin" a few seconds under the 2h 05 '...

Friday, September 3, 2010

How Long Can I Leave Opalescence In For

Eroica running

I receive the message from a friend of the first edition of a competition to be held in the fabulous scenery of the Sienese hills, here more details . Fri
the alert, knowing that many of you sono in preparazione della Maratona di Firenze, potrebbe essere un'ottima occasione per un lungo preparatorio.